Mr. Belungi
New Fapstronaut
Hello there! I discovered this site about a year ago and the theories in it changed my life. Unfortunately I didn't do much interaction with the community and in the end deleted my account, so never really got to introduce myself or participate! So I thought I should introduce myself, this time is Mr. Belungi!
Porn addiction, I have realized, has destroyed and owed my life alongside with depression, self harm and no steps of self improvement being taken. I am almost 20 and I've spent the last 6 years being a suicidal, socially awkward mess.
Anyway. Trying to quit alone, just isn't working. I think I might head over to the accountability partners section.
See you around, hopefully! ~ x
Porn addiction, I have realized, has destroyed and owed my life alongside with depression, self harm and no steps of self improvement being taken. I am almost 20 and I've spent the last 6 years being a suicidal, socially awkward mess.
Anyway. Trying to quit alone, just isn't working. I think I might head over to the accountability partners section.
See you around, hopefully! ~ x