Ok, this is going to be f'ng long, but just know I'm genuinely wanting to help/share in my own way.
I think that at times (not always) it comes down to understanding what is making the brain want this feeling. I like to think of trying to place myself in two planes. One part of me that wants to act out. This part is either reacting to a trigger or learned behavior (stress, smell, thought, whatever), mostly driven by emotion, or it simply WANTS that thing because it has been trained to get when it wants without a whole lot of consequence. The other plane is logical and wants to break down what is happening to the dude (me) that is reaaally fantasizing away on the ritual of doing
the thing.
I would like to add that I am on only day 3 of rebooting. My longest reboot is 9 days (just last week
) and I have 25 years of sometimes regret, shame, and frustration due to PMO. I do remind myself that I have done good things within that time span, but because of the emotional plane I defined at top I tend to end up thinking about the bad and act out. One last thing, I was diagnosed with ADHD about 13 years ago. I only see this as a circumstance and actually helpful. This is not a pass why I do what I do. I have a responsibility to be good to myself.
Prior to my first reboot I cannot tell you when I had not PMO'ed for those 25 years.
I believe that for me PMO ends up being the final result of an underlying response to a set of conditions I grouped together a long time ago. I only have 3 main definitions, but I think there might be a couple more or nuances within the first three:
1. Generally bored and looking for something to put my mind to -
I define this as seeking NOVELTY. I'm really just bored with projects, work, everyday life, routine. I'm looking to spend some time somewhere other than my everyday life. By the way, Dopamine Nation does a good job on helping shed a little light on seeking novelty. Overall everyday is a little dull, let's get some spiciness up in here!
2. I cannot focus on one important thing -
When I'm not able to find focus I tend to then want to look at EVERYTHING I'm working on or I'm supposed to do within a day. I make everything a priority, everything is important and it almost feel like sensory overload. I end up giving up. I might make some progress, but I have to really manage myself. It is exhausting!
3. Feeling anxious because I have not made progress on things -
You can see where things go from here. This one tends to hit at my core because it makes me feel like no matter what I tell myself I always know I'm my worst enemy. It really hurts me and my confidence because it makes me feel is not even the universe that is against me, IT'S ME
I'd like to think that if I define these things and work on naming them, think about possible solutions, and set some non-negotiables I might have a shot at allowing myself more time. Find the space between the rush of wanting something and putting space between me and it. Of allowing yourself to move on without judgement and find peace in that process.
At the end of the day, for me, it is a matter of finding peace within my own mind. I've spent a lot of hours trying to figure myself out, Sometimes that's the problem, but I know I can nerd myself out and can do it. I know you can do it.
I hope this helps you. Thank you for allowing me to share with you.