Hello Everyone,
I am currently at day 33 of my streak. I have noticed that NoFap has changed me completely. My posture has improved drastically. I walk with confidence. My libido has increased a lot. In short, i have again started feeling like a real man. I can crack a conversation with anyone. Talking to girls is a piece of cake for me.
But problem is that i am an axcessive daydreamer. Nofap has increased my libido a lot. As a result of this i find it difficult to stop my brain from fantasizing and objectifying women.
As soon as my brain comes back from fantasy, my lower back starts aching. The pain is not unbearable though. It is just a mild sensation but it is still very annoying. It lasts for about 2 days if i don't fantasize in between.
I had been masturebating from the age of 12 and never experienced lower back pain before.
Help me, how can i stop my brain from fantasizing ?
Had you experienced such issue ?
How you solved it ?
I am currently at day 33 of my streak. I have noticed that NoFap has changed me completely. My posture has improved drastically. I walk with confidence. My libido has increased a lot. In short, i have again started feeling like a real man. I can crack a conversation with anyone. Talking to girls is a piece of cake for me.
But problem is that i am an axcessive daydreamer. Nofap has increased my libido a lot. As a result of this i find it difficult to stop my brain from fantasizing and objectifying women.
As soon as my brain comes back from fantasy, my lower back starts aching. The pain is not unbearable though. It is just a mild sensation but it is still very annoying. It lasts for about 2 days if i don't fantasize in between.
I had been masturebating from the age of 12 and never experienced lower back pain before.
Help me, how can i stop my brain from fantasizing ?
Had you experienced such issue ?
How you solved it ?