I discovered porn when i was 11, and along with the increase of internet speed i start to develop the addiction to internet porn. Now I'm 21, about to graduate from college.
All the years within pmo addiction, it feels like i didn't show my best version. It's like being held back by the pmo (my confidence and self worth fell below the ground). I was 'the bright kid' during my elementary school, until i discover porn. I got my first gadget when i was 11, and i think because of porn my self control and discipline are weakening. Because of that, i started to choose pmo and gaming over studying. Needless to say my grades also fell to the ground, i can see the disappointment in everyone's eyes. The feeling of being such failure drives me even deeper to the pmo. And because i can't control myself, i became addict to several other things too such as gaming.
Now I'm feeling better, i tried many times to redevelop myself. I can feel that the potentials are still there waiting for the awakening. But, the one big thing that keeps me from sleep in the night and waking up in the morning are the heavy regrets. The regrets of wasting such golden time of my life (Junior high school-early college years) and wasted to pmo. The regret of not making myself and my family proud because i have hardly any achievement. It keeps on haunting me, because i know my potential. I keep on beating myself for this addiction, while trying to get rid of it.
Finally, i want to ask to everyone here. How do you guys cope with regrets?
especially the heavy ones
All the years within pmo addiction, it feels like i didn't show my best version. It's like being held back by the pmo (my confidence and self worth fell below the ground). I was 'the bright kid' during my elementary school, until i discover porn. I got my first gadget when i was 11, and i think because of porn my self control and discipline are weakening. Because of that, i started to choose pmo and gaming over studying. Needless to say my grades also fell to the ground, i can see the disappointment in everyone's eyes. The feeling of being such failure drives me even deeper to the pmo. And because i can't control myself, i became addict to several other things too such as gaming.
Now I'm feeling better, i tried many times to redevelop myself. I can feel that the potentials are still there waiting for the awakening. But, the one big thing that keeps me from sleep in the night and waking up in the morning are the heavy regrets. The regrets of wasting such golden time of my life (Junior high school-early college years) and wasted to pmo. The regret of not making myself and my family proud because i have hardly any achievement. It keeps on haunting me, because i know my potential. I keep on beating myself for this addiction, while trying to get rid of it.
Finally, i want to ask to everyone here. How do you guys cope with regrets?
especially the heavy ones