Help Needed: Bulletproof Windows Blocking System


Hi guys,

I'm here asking if anybody knows of a foolproof system for blocking adult content on Windows 11?

I have Cold Turkey Blocker Pro installed which helps, but I have just been bypassing it by installing new web browsers. I want to prevent this, start using a DNS and to lock SafeSearch on Google, and prevent those settings from being changed. Any help would be much appreciated!

Any alternative solutions, guidance for blocking adult content without being able to disable it would be much appreciated!

I think that unfortuantely there are no bulletproof ways, as addicts/compulsive porn users we always find a way, and unfortunately we have to accept that we can only do so much to block it all out.

I do recommend Covenant Eyes though, I have used it for some time, and yes there are ways around it if you run it yourself, but the best part is you can give all of your admin rights to an accountability partner. Whether that's a close confidant, a parent, or a fellow struggler. On top of that they can see what you're viewing, so it helps to keep you motivated so as not to share such things with others. You can add all of the sites you believe to be detrimental your sobriety, and many are already blocked automatically. It also works on multiple devices, and different operating systems.

On top of that I have found that my iPhone has certain ways to block the downloading and deleting of apps, and other such blocking systems to help me stop deleting apps like Covenant Eyes. Again this means you need someone with admin rights on your device, such as having a screentime password you don't know, but it's all part of the system to help prevent a lapse.

Hope this helps, and peace be with you!

Thanks for you reply!

On iPhone, I'm absolutely fine, because I use ScreenZen to block adult content and other distracting sites, and also toggled the in-app feature which prevents uninstall of any downloaded apps, including ScreenZen. I also had someone enter a passcode on the ScreenZen settings page so I can't disable the block or app.

I'm considering buying a Mac Mini M4 to use as my computer, and installing ScreenZen on there, with the hope of accomplishing something similar to my iPhone setup, so I may just do that tbh.