So lately of course ive been noticing im having way more detailed dreams and dreams i can temember; ive read hefore that when rebooting you start to dream better...
anyways my main concern is: i had a VERY graphic dream last night involving porn i used to watch and idk how but i came up with “video” in my head and somehow im still remembering it very clearly.. This freakng sucks because indont want to be thinking about it a lot. as of right mow and since this morning, i havent been tempted to PMO or been aroused by it but i already feel an insane temptation cmimg in the next couple days. Anyway how i can overcome the whole temptation from dream thing? Or how i can have better, cleaner dreams? i dont even know if we can control them but maybe influence them?
anyways my main concern is: i had a VERY graphic dream last night involving porn i used to watch and idk how but i came up with “video” in my head and somehow im still remembering it very clearly.. This freakng sucks because indont want to be thinking about it a lot. as of right mow and since this morning, i havent been tempted to PMO or been aroused by it but i already feel an insane temptation cmimg in the next couple days. Anyway how i can overcome the whole temptation from dream thing? Or how i can have better, cleaner dreams? i dont even know if we can control them but maybe influence them?