Hi, i'm new !


New Fapstronaut
First time here, i recognize my addiction, and recently it's been very active in my head and harder to even stop for one day. It's worse and i hope that i can reduce it during the summer stop (i'm a college student). The amount of free time i have makes me want to PMO out of boredom, and theres one test left before i actually have free time.

I'm three days without it, but it's been hard to study for that test and do anything productive. I feel like joining this forum will help me commit harder to stop.

Will the urge diminuish? i feel like doing it just so i can study without a distraction in my head.
hi bro. You cannot reduce your desire to masturbate with NoFap. You will only be saved from situations such as bad feelings and mental disorders that come with FAP, or better yet, addiction. You cannot eliminate your FAP desire, but you can minimize it with NoFap and this gives you the opportunity for a cleaner and clearer brain. I wish you healthy and porn-free days.
hi bro. You cannot reduce your desire to masturbate with NoFap. You will only be saved from situations such as bad feelings and mental disorders that come with FAP, or better yet, addiction. You cannot eliminate your FAP desire, but you can minimize it with NoFap and this gives you the opportunity for a cleaner and clearer brain. I wish you healthy and porn-free days.
Thank you!
Welcome here and I would like you to know your own weaknesses so that you could achieve your goals

I wish you success in life and good luck