Hi, took a lot for me to sign up here, but here's my story.


New Fapstronaut
((Sorry! English is not my first language so it will be a bit off))
Im currently 21 years old, living at home, no job, and have really bad anxiety.
I watched porn since i was 12 years old. I have had anxiety since i was a kid but as it is now is no where near as before. So lets jump forward. When i was 17 i reliesed something was wrong cause when i had a girl infront of me and ready to loose my v card my dick didn't work, And that happend 3 times after aswell in the past 2 months with diffrent girls. Then i searched it up and relised it was cause of porn... A month later i met a girl, And we both wanted to wait a few weeks before doing any sexuell and it felt good, So i tried to stop watching porn but i couldnt, we finally hade sex and it worked 60 procent only. And it was like that for 2 months but then it got better cause i was more comfrable with her. i dated her for 3 years before she dumped me. And i know porn was a big reason why. But as it is now, 21 years old living at home, with no job and very depressed i really wanna give this a big try and quit. The longest ive goon is 3 weeks when i was 19. My anxiety spikes thru the roof everytime i pmo. I get extrem fatigue, dizziness, strange feeling in my heart, heart palpitation, and panic attacks. But i also get that when i go to much time without edging. I do pmo like once a week and that is by accident when i am edging. So i'm gonna give this a serious try and stop for real. I tried stoping by my self for 3-4 years now and i can't do it by myself. I need motivaton from this forum and you guys. If you wanna ask me more about my health issue regarding this i will answer as good as i can. it so mouch more shit i didnt put in the text. Thank you is u read this and i will uptade my journey time to time. Currently 30 minutes without pmo. Thanks.
((Sorry! English is not my first language so it will be a bit off))
Im currently 21 years old, living at home, no job, and have really bad anxiety.
I watched porn since i was 12 years old. I have had anxiety since i was a kid but as it is now is no where near as before. So lets jump forward. When i was 17 i reliesed something was wrong cause when i had a girl infront of me and ready to loose my v card my dick didn't work, And that happend 3 times after aswell in the past 2 months with diffrent girls. Then i searched it up and relised it was cause of porn... A month later i met a girl, And we both wanted to wait a few weeks before doing any sexuell and it felt good, So i tried to stop watching porn but i couldnt, we finally hade sex and it worked 60 procent only. And it was like that for 2 months but then it got better cause i was more comfrable with her. i dated her for 3 years before she dumped me. And i know porn was a big reason why. But as it is now, 21 years old living at home, with no job and very depressed i really wanna give this a big try and quit. The longest ive goon is 3 weeks when i was 19. My anxiety spikes thru the roof everytime i pmo. I get extrem fatigue, dizziness, strange feeling in my heart, heart palpitation, and panic attacks. But i also get that when i go to much time without edging. I do pmo like once a week and that is by accident when i am edging. So i'm gonna give this a serious try and stop for real. I tried stoping by my self for 3-4 years now and i can't do it by myself. I need motivaton from this forum and you guys. If you wanna ask me more about my health issue regarding this i will answer as good as i can. it so mouch more shit i didnt put in the text. Thank you is u read this and i will uptade my journey time to time. Currently 30 minutes without pmo. Thanks.
((Sorry! English is not my first language so it will be a bit off))
Im currently 21 years old, living at home, no job, and have really bad anxiety.
I watched porn since i was 12 years old. I have had anxiety since i was a kid but as it is now is no where near as before. So lets jump forward. When i was 17 i reliesed something was wrong cause when i had a girl infront of me and ready to loose my v card my dick didn't work, And that happend 3 times after aswell in the past 2 months with diffrent girls. Then i searched it up and relised it was cause of porn... A month later i met a girl, And we both wanted to wait a few weeks before doing any sexuell and it felt good, So i tried to stop watching porn but i couldnt, we finally hade sex and it worked 60 procent only. And it was like that for 2 months but then it got better cause i was more comfrable with her. i dated her for 3 years before she dumped me. And i know porn was a big reason why. But as it is now, 21 years old living at home, with no job and very depressed i really wanna give this a big try and quit. The longest ive goon is 3 weeks when i was 19. My anxiety spikes thru the roof everytime i pmo. I get extrem fatigue, dizziness, strange feeling in my heart, heart palpitation, and panic attacks. But i also get that when i go to much time without edging. I do pmo like once a week and that is by accident when i am edging. So i'm gonna give this a serious try and stop for real. I tried stoping by my self for 3-4 years now and i can't do it by myself. I need motivaton from this forum and you guys. If you wanna ask me more about my health issue regarding this i will answer as good as i can. it so mouch more shit i didnt put in the text. Thank you is u read this and i will uptade my journey time to time. Currently 30 minutes without pmo. Thanks.
Glad you're here! I was going through something similar in terms of trying to stop by myself for years, but never quite being able to. I'm a week in and I've found the support from the community here to be really helpful and I hope you do as well. Welcome aboard :)
((Sorry! English is not my first language so it will be a bit off))
Im currently 21 years old, living at home, no job, and have really bad anxiety.
I watched porn since i was 12 years old. I have had anxiety since i was a kid but as it is now is no where near as before. So lets jump forward. When i was 17 i reliesed something was wrong cause when i had a girl infront of me and ready to loose my v card my dick didn't work, And that happend 3 times after aswell in the past 2 months with diffrent girls. Then i searched it up and relised it was cause of porn... A month later i met a girl, And we both wanted to wait a few weeks before doing any sexuell and it felt good, So i tried to stop watching porn but i couldnt, we finally hade sex and it worked 60 procent only. And it was like that for 2 months but then it got better cause i was more comfrable with her. i dated her for 3 years before she dumped me. And i know porn was a big reason why. But as it is now, 21 years old living at home, with no job and very depressed i really wanna give this a big try and quit. The longest ive goon is 3 weeks when i was 19. My anxiety spikes thru the roof everytime i pmo. I get extrem fatigue, dizziness, strange feeling in my heart, heart palpitation, and panic attacks. But i also get that when i go to much time without edging. I do pmo like once a week and that is by accident when i am edging. So i'm gonna give this a serious try and stop for real. I tried stoping by my self for 3-4 years now and i can't do it by myself. I need motivaton from this forum and you guys. If you wanna ask me more about my health issue regarding this i will answer as good as i can. it so mouch more shit i didnt put in the text. Thank you is u read this and i will uptade my journey time to time. Currently 30 minutes without pmo. Thanks.
Yes buddy the PMO harm your sexual life very much.....whenever i relapse my dick pains and whenever i saw a hot girl (in market or any where except phone ) my penis started become more shorter.......but now it is getting better............Anyways welcome brother now u are the part of NOFAP family and u will help others and u will be helped also in this family to complete your goals.......I wish you a great success......May god help you........ Ameen