Well into our forth year of marriage, my husband got a terrible depression and escalated into something of a porn addict. While we had previously been exceptionally happy together (like really, really deliriously happy), everything just fell apart at that point. I found out that he had written to a woman on Facebook and that she had sent him pics of her vagina. He also indulged in porn videos with his friends, alone at work and on his way to work, in the bathroom with his phone, yeah you all know the drill. I found deleted conversations with a transvestite on his phone and while he assured their conversations was of a non sexual nature, I don't believe it for a second. I also don't believe that someone broke in to his phone to create a pornographic snapchat account or search for pay to play women and virtually every tattooed slut online. He lied through his teeth and made a fool of me. I cried so much I almost died, so he sent me on a month long vacation to rest, which not only gave him plenty of opportunity to indulge in more porn but also to bed this Thai co-worker he previously deemed hopelessly unattractive. At least he admitted to fucking her after she gracefully reached out to me, explaining what they had done and, with a cold heart bursting of pity, sending me a pic of herself in a bikini, as to make the whole thing a bit more visual for me. This was the breaking point: I told him to get help or get out of my life. So a year and a half ago he got treatment for his depression and the personality change is astounding. He is like his former self and I couldn't be more happy... except for the fact that I'm now not the trusting naive innocent girly girl I once was. I'm now a bitter and resentful person, who can't enjoy sex with him and doesn't trust anyone in this world. So we are about to move house. I feel terribly anxious and afraid he will start to hunt our female neighbours (or other women) online. I mean, I have no reason to believe he would fall back to his depressed ways, he has done nothing so far that I know of that indicates he is on the slow track back to Perversion Avenue. Yet I know nothing of his social media friends and I have NO intention to snoop even if I could get away with it. It is simply something I'm completely over. But I don't know if I should make some kind of ultimatum: No female friends that I don't know and/or approve of. This is an ultimatum I've kinda already put, but I haven't enforced it, meaning I haven't urged him to prove anything. I don't know if this is considered controlling behavior, considering his colorful past both in cyberspace and on the couch of Miss Bangkok Pancake Butt. See, I have no desire in being his mother, or some kind of household sheriff. In a perfect world he would police himself so I didn't have to. But I also know that "what doesn't get measured doesn't get managed". And I don't wanna move with a man who will waste my time and defecate on my heart once more. How can I talk to him about this?
Few things 1. You said he went to therapy - but did you get any help? 2. As a PA I don't think it would be out of line for you to say "it would make me more comfortable to meet your female friends/coworkers, etc, for my own peace of mind. Frame it as a boundary that you need to feel safe with him. Hopefully, he would understand. 3. She sent you a bikini picture? WTF.
I’m so sorry Lilla. Personally, no married person male or female should have friends of the opposite sex that their partner doesn’t know about. That forsaking all other part of the vow wasn’t just about sex. You have a right to know whatever you need to know to feel safe.
This is not acceptable in a healthy relationship. This is a gray area, if he likes to consume this kind of material is up to you to accept it or not. If he deleted them, he knew he was doing something wrong so you are probably rigth not beliving him. Haha, don't beleive that either. (My dog eat my homework) Do you want to be with a man that make you feel that way? No, he sent you there because he knew his was fucking up and payed for your forgiveness.. .. and also do what ever he wanted to do but couldn't with you around. He fucked up big time, he disrespect you in the worst way.. this should be the deal breaker... but for some reason you forgive him. Is not his decition anymore, you shoud kick him out of your life. You don't trust in him anymore. A couple cannot work without trust. He makes you a bitter and resentful person when a partener should lift you up, make you even happier than you were before knowing him. Yeap, you don't trust him at all.. Do you want to live the rest of your life with this fears? No, this is not acceptable. You cannot decide who he has in his friends list. You should be able to trust him that he will only have friends in his contact list. You can set your boundries, telling him that is not ok for you if he have other woman that are not friends in his contacts list or it's not ok to go out with them.. talk etc. Is up to him to do it or not and according to his action you can decide if he is respecting your boundries. Yes it is. Controlling people in the bottom are weak people that don't trust in the other person. In this case he make you this way by his disrespectfull actions. Is not a perfect world, in a normal healthy relationship this should be the norm. You are waisting your time with this guy, trust is broken with him at this point and is something that is not going to come back in several years. There are a lot of guys out there that are as good as him that can be trusted... this guy already blow his chances with you, he doesn't deserve you. If you want to be with him despite what happened... then theres no other way that starting to trust him and see what happens. Telling him that you don't trust him is not going to help at all. Today he is behaving perfectly so the one with trust issues is you. Or you get help and learn how to trust in this guy again or you move on with your life. He already made his work to get better, now is your time to decide if you want to work for him or look for another man an have a fresh start.
Thank you for your reply, it was very thoughtful and I have contemplated what you wrote. 1. He got antidepressants, so no therapy. Today he is completely free from depression. I got therapy, felt a lot better, but after discovering he just continued with pursuing porn and women, I fell into a deeper depression again. Today I'm void of depression, but also most human feelings. 2. I took your advice, thanks again, I feel much better about it all. 3. For many women, there is no greater rush than to snatch a married man from his wife. Knowing how she planned to get rid of me and destroy my life still brings me to tears.
Hey, this is about what he did to you and not the other way around. Even if he is a better person than in the past, it was him and him alone that led to your mistrust and mediocre sex life. There are plenty of men out there that you can trust, raise a family and enjoy having sex with. You may be wasting your formidable years with this man. The phantom vacation where he faked contrition to get rid of you in order to have an affair, in my opinion is unforgivable. I don't understand his mentality of pretending that it never happened and that you just have to get over it. He has to re-earn your trust. Take as long as you need. It may take a while before you start enjoying sex with him again. If he truly cares about you, he will be patient and allow you to fully recover. If he pressures you or redirects any of the blame onto you then you should leave him.
Trust is broken and extremely difficult to rebuilt... if not impossible. if it were me and my wife had done this it would be game over. I could never trust her again. Dont give a fuck if she was depressed, it’s no excuse. I’ve been suicidally depressed in the past and I still knew right from wrong. He sounds like a right prick. Relationship sounds like it’s doomed already from what you’ve written. Your talking about policing him which means all trust is gone. Once that goes it’s going to lead to resentment from both sides. This guy does not deserve you!
I’d be tempted to test him. Get a hot girlfriend of yours to start chatting him up and see what his resolve is like. I bet he fails that test. It’s a bit petty going down that route but it would give you your answer.
If I was a woman, I couldn't imagine myself having to put these rules on a boyfriend, let alone a husband. Have you had any children with him yet?
No sane woman wants to put that kind of restrictions on a spouse. When we met, I was happy that he had contact with his ex. I encouraged him to have female friends. Heck, if he wanted to stay on the couch of one of his coworkers for a night if he had trouble getting home, well what's the problem? Rosy and naive, I believed in complete freedom, because I assumed that both of us was evolved away from all this nonsense. Why would he had married me unless he was committed? That didn't make any sense. God, I was an idiot. Fast forward to what I know now; NO, this liberal tactic doesn't work. At all. I still have friends who think their men watch cam girls out of research purposes and never alone behind their backs. Even after their physical infidelities! Personally, I've dusted myself off after living under a rock for years and I'm not crawling back. When a woman demands total control of passwords (I still don't) and so on and so on, I now longer thinks she is a freak, but rather someone who tries rational ideas to rescue what's left of her family. According to these male forums: If she leaves, she is an unsympathetic whore and if she stays she is a weak moron OR a controlling insecure freak. We can't win, so maybe we should at least be excused for trying to make a decent living. No, I don't have any children and for that I thank my lucky star every day.
I certainly wouldn't think that, and any guy that would is... well... I'll stop before getting carried away. Really, the opinions of internet strangers are irrelevant. What you get to ruminate is if you'd want your husband, as he is, to be the father of YOUR children (whether intentional or by accident), knowing that you'll have to deal with him for the rest of your life if he ends up being a baby-daddy. And if not, then, what's the best thing to do for your happiness?
I am perfectly whole and fulfilled without children, so that's not an issue. He is my husband, so any accidental children would of course be ours and taken care of accordingly. As of now, I have the freedom to walk out if he ever does anything again, and that is a luxury.