New Fapstronaut
Hey everyone, new to NoFap here.
I’m a 21 year old female who has been struggling with porn addiction for almost 5 years now. I was first exposed to porn in the form of pornographic online games when I was 10. What I thought was a kids’ gaming website apparently also included adult nudity and sex-based games. I stumbled across a few and though I didn’t even know what I was looking at, my body knew what to do and I experienced PMO. I would do this in secret for a few months until one day my younger sister caught me, and the shame I felt from that was enough for me to stop.
Fast forward to me being 16. I was alone and scrolling through Twitter when someone had retweeted porn and it showed up on my TL. I was drawn in and masturbated for the first time since I was 10. I tried to get the images off my mind but found myself seeking them out more and more. Since then, I’ve been seeking out increasingly hardcore porn and have tried unsuccessfully to stop so many times.
I’m getting married in six weeks and seriously do not want to bring porn into my marriage with the man I love and cherish so much. He too struggles with PMO and we are each trying to overcome our addictions. Additionally, I am a Christian and my faith is extremely important to me. I believe that God is who empowers me and enables me to quit.
Excited to meet some people on here and here their backgrounds and success stories.
I’m a 21 year old female who has been struggling with porn addiction for almost 5 years now. I was first exposed to porn in the form of pornographic online games when I was 10. What I thought was a kids’ gaming website apparently also included adult nudity and sex-based games. I stumbled across a few and though I didn’t even know what I was looking at, my body knew what to do and I experienced PMO. I would do this in secret for a few months until one day my younger sister caught me, and the shame I felt from that was enough for me to stop.
Fast forward to me being 16. I was alone and scrolling through Twitter when someone had retweeted porn and it showed up on my TL. I was drawn in and masturbated for the first time since I was 10. I tried to get the images off my mind but found myself seeking them out more and more. Since then, I’ve been seeking out increasingly hardcore porn and have tried unsuccessfully to stop so many times.
I’m getting married in six weeks and seriously do not want to bring porn into my marriage with the man I love and cherish so much. He too struggles with PMO and we are each trying to overcome our addictions. Additionally, I am a Christian and my faith is extremely important to me. I believe that God is who empowers me and enables me to quit.
Excited to meet some people on here and here their backgrounds and success stories.