Hot Facebook female friends


New Fapstronaut
I have hot Facebook female friend from my school years. Now is been years since school was finished. Should i unfriend them as i do not talk to them and have temptation to looks at they photos. Or just no do anything. ANYONE EXPERIENCED THIS?
Yeah man I have the same experiences! Hot females are definitely a problem haha, but the truth is that EVERY female will look hot as long as you place them on a pedestal. What I do is that I realize that I am simply looking at a bunch of pixels on the screen which helps ruin the experience.

What I did first: I deleted all the "hot" girls from my facebook page and what happened to me is that the plain girls became hotter and hotter. It's a never-ending cycle man. As long as you think girls are hot, they will be hot. What has helped me a bit is to realize that the sexual desires will always be there and they will never go away. Even if I fuck her, I'll be bored a few hours/ days later, therefore the desire in itself has no ground, therefore allow the feelings to pass and move the fuck on.

TLDR: dont block them, just let the urge come and pass you without reacting