How do i prevent myself from watching porn after i accidentally see an ad ?

Apex Legends rocks

New Fapstronaut
I havent fapped in 101 days as of date. Its amazing. The problem is that while surfing on the internet, often there are ads,and after seeing them, as if almost subconsciously ,i open light porn( just flashing no sex) and then after a minute of watching, get flushed with guilt. This exact thing has happened 4 times now (in total through the 101 days).
I would really like to know how do i keep my calm even after seeing something erotic and not losing my mind and subconsciously opening porn .
I had this problem for a long time, too. I use a browser extension that hides pictures on every site I visit. I also use an ad blocker. I can unhide images if I need to (shopping sites, etc.), but they are off by default. That prevents the unintentional triggers from ever getting to my eyes in the first place.
Where are you going that you see all these ads? I don't have any ad blockers but I never see suggestive ads. I'd suggest you adjust your browsing habits.
Where are you going that you see all these ads?.
Fmovies or Bmovies to name a few. Obviously my intention is just to rewatch the infinity saga or perhaps the kingdom but these ads... Perhaps i will try an ad blocker. Neverthless the problem isnt that as i never feel like fapping even after watch porn, its just the it hurts my heart afte i realise i broke my commitment to not do PMO.