How do you get banned?

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modern milarepa

I'm kind of interested because our recent fallen angels @brassknucks @SickSicko, BARLES CHARKLEY, @Anti-Hero and the infamous Alexandrebois.

I mean you can tell why they were banned but do the mods warned you before this happens?
How long does it last a temporarily suspension?
What can be a cause of your profile being erased permanently ? What type of bans do we have?

If any body has been banned tell us how it went down. Also if a mod can explain it, it will be very much appreciated.
Regarding this Sicko guy, I've come across his postings and it seemed like he is ignorant and just here to be annoying and stuff. In his case the mods were probably hella patient, He has a bad attitude. I don't think the mods owe an explanation to anyone in this forum mate. Being a moderator is a serious job they risk themselves to triggers for us to be here safely which is amazing (which is also one of the reasons I can't become a mod - scared of triggers).
That's pretty authoritarian.

We're aware of what happens to our drivers licenses when we speed.

Why shouldn't we be aware of the ban types? Every other online community I've been on labels them outright so you know what the sanctions are.
You guys take shit too seriously here, calm it :) I'm just joking a bit
NoFap is a porn/masturbation/sex addiction recovery site. That's the primary purpose of the site. The people getting banned are either obsessed with gender politics or trolling. It doesn't help the sites image with people constantly posting some pill bullshit or making bitter comments about women. The moderation has been more than patient with them.
I was warned and then later on suspended for two days for saying I didn't like Brie Larson nor the character she plays in the shitty Captain Marvel movie. When I responded to this by pointing out how ridiculous it was, I got completely ignored by the mod who did it (cant remember who it was, they may not even be here anymore idk.) Meanwhile users who openly admitted to trying to antagonise me, going as far as to bring up past discussions to rile me up in different threads, had no sanctions placed on them even when I directly asked a mod to look into this.

Look, if you seriously think this site doesnt have a serious ideological bias, you either share that same bias or you're an idiot. Suspending these users over and over again is ostensibly to "protect NoFap's image" but to me it's just about silencing anyone who goes against an acceptable mainstream viewpoint, or even says something mildly provocative. I have seen every user OP mentioned be shit on by others and yet those people arent the ones being suspended, so it cant just be because they are occasionally rude to people. The hilariously pathetic thing about all this is NoFap will NEVER be seen as mainstream as long as the much more powerful porn industry is actively trying to smear it, and no amount of bending over backwards to sanitise the site will work because it's the purpose of the site itself that the mainstream hates, not sicksicko arguing with people about veganism.
I was warned and then later on suspended for two days for saying I didn't like Brie Larson nor the character she plays in the shitty Captain Marvel movie. When I responded to this by pointing out how ridiculous it was, I got completely ignored by the mod who did it (cant remember who it was, they may not even be here anymore idk.) Meanwhile users who openly admitted to trying to antagonise me, going as far as to bring up past discussions to rile me up in different threads, had no sanctions placed on them even when I directly asked a mod to look into this.

Look, if you seriously think this site doesnt have a serious ideological bias, you either share that same bias or you're an idiot. Suspending these users over and over again is ostensibly to "protect NoFap's image" but to me it's just about silencing anyone who goes against an acceptable mainstream viewpoint, or even says something mildly provocative. I have seen every user OP mentioned be shit on by others and yet those people arent the ones being suspended, so it cant just be because they are occasionally rude to people. The hilariously pathetic thing about all this is NoFap will NEVER be seen as mainstream as long as the much more powerful porn industry is actively trying to smear it, and no amount of bending over backwards to sanitise the site will work because it's the purpose of the site itself that the mainstream hates, not sicksicko arguing with people about veganism.

And I got suspended for “disclosing personal location” when I never mentioned where the specific user was. When asked if it was a mistake or for the exact quote of what I typed, I only received crickets.
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