How i deal with urges

i will make it!

Through trial and error i discovered that the best way to deal with an urge is to visualize the whole process of the PMO, what i mean is that when you are faced with an urge visualize yourself doing the thing; opening the porn tab masturbating and orgasming but don't stop there because that would be terrible instead what comes next is the crucial idea. Visualize the shame, the heartbreak, the guilt, the feeling that you are a useless loser and that you messed up again, anything that you relate of bad emotions after relapsing. Like this you will not be tricked because addictions only look for pleasure and neglects what comes after that, this will give you enough mental clarity to not act on the urge.
Usually what happens when you do this is you will literally hear the addiction speaking to you ,coming up with rationalizations to justify that PMO is fine, something like : "but it feels so good" or " it used to fix our problems "(never have) .here you have to use self talk and convince that part of brain that it is wrong something like " yes it feels good but, this pleasure is poisoned, it will drain me and makes me useless and insecure and i will feel awful afterwards" or " no it never fixed my problems only distracted me from fixing them and it made it worse because i ran from them now they are stacked"