How long until you healed your PIED?


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Just curious, I suffer from PIED and currently in the process of doing a reboot and keeping the porn to zero and only masturbated once this month currently on day 25 streak which I'm very impressed with and know I'm not going to break it as I'm proper committed and am not suffering due to poor mental health, which use to lead to relapse (fyi doubt ill masturbate anymore either).
My question is how long did you guys personally find it took until your PIED troubles were a distant memory because I really want to get out there with the confidence of knowing I ain't just going to be flaccid af lol?
Thanks for the feedback
FYI I am aware they usually say 90 days but I'm guessing it's an estimate and depends on severity of porn use
It can vary massively from one person to another.

My estimation is that 50% will heal in three months, 75% in six months, 90% in a year and 99% in two years.