How many recover?


I have been on NoFap since 2014, the last time I fought with my wife about my addiction. Since then there have been the typical rollercoasters, until another bad rut, secret PMOs, and then the revelation I have been abusing again. And now divorce is on the cards, and plenty of pain.

So I've come back to NoFap, as well as seeking professional counselling. My question is how many people on NoFap recover, as I see lots of old posts, and old posters that disappear. I want to be positive and find good role models, but I also want the honest answer.

How many recover?
I think recovery means something different to me but its a personal goal and i agree with everything you say.

I was disappointed to find out there was no local support group in my area like there is for AA, but thats part of the struggle for most people here I guess.

I liked the videos of Terry Crews and I think more role models are important .
I think recovery means something different to me but its a personal goal and i agree with everything you say.

I was disappointed to find out there was no local support group in my area like there is for AA, but thats part of the struggle for most people here I guess.

I liked the videos of Terry Crews and I think more role models are important .

Good question. I have two goals towards recovery. First, I want to be moving in the right direction and things have gotten better for me over the last two years on nofap. I have twice moved past 30 days of sobriety. This is progress.

But secondly, I want to continue on to the point that I will stop counting the number of days I've been PMO free and just enjoy and deal with life as it is without the desire to cover up my feelings with dopemine. That's my hope. I hope I'm getting there but most important, I need to focus on today and dealing with the issues behind the porn use.

Twenty years ago I overcame addiction to alcohol and other drugs with the help of AA and a sponsor. People often asked, "How come we don't see too many people sober for long periods of time?" It's hard to know because those that are better leave the program.

We need the successful folks to stay on this forum to let us know it is possible and there are several who do.
I have been on NoFap since 2014, the last time I fought with my wife about my addiction. Since then there have been the typical rollercoasters, until another bad rut, secret PMOs, and then the revelation I have been abusing again. And now divorce is on the cards, and plenty of pain.

So I've come back to NoFap, as well as seeking professional counselling. My question is how many people on NoFap recover, as I see lots of old posts, and old posters that disappear. I want to be positive and find good role models, but I also want the honest answer.

How many recover?

Everyone who doesn't give up recovers. Seriously :)

Your question shows that you have doubts in yourself.

And doubts are the root of the addiction.

When you read that nobody has recovered, then are you giving up?
When you read that everybody has recovered, then do you continue?

It's you, only you, who decides about your life !

Recovery is a momentary state. It happens when you fully immerse in life.
When you are doing right now something meaningful & fulfilling, which is adding value to your life.

  • "Temporary Recovery" means that you hold streaks, with relapses in between.
  • "Full Recovery" means that there are no more relapses.