How often should I be masturbating to consider myself as addicted?

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Yesssss, Oct 30, 2017.

  1. Yesssss

    Yesssss New Fapstronaut

    Of course I do want to quit masturbating.
    But out of curiosity, what exactly means "addicted" to masturbation?
    Everybody on this website consider themselves porn/masturbation addicted. But is there like a measure for considering yourself addicted to masturbation?
    Let's say if I masturbate once a day, am I addicted?

    I love sex, I love women, I love being kinky with them, but I dont think its even physically possible to have sex with all women I like.

    So, the porn kinda gives me an answer: you found exactly the type of sex you want to watch, 5-7 minutes and you done. No need to look for girl, invite her for drinks, pretend like you are such an amazing guy and wants only serious relationship and all that bullshit.

    So once a day would be consider a lot?
  2. Personally I would consider myself addicted. I have done PMO since 13 almost everyday. But I would say the main reason I would say I'm 'addicted' to M is because of how it became some sort of tradition to do it almost everyday. Before going to bed I felt a need to jerk off even if I didn't even feel like it. Also my addiction has intensified a lot over time, where sessions would last longer and I'd go through videos for almost an hour searching for more extreme stuff. So that would be how I'd consider myself "addicted", when the addiction starts to drive you and you don't feel in control
    Deleted Account likes this.
  3. Its only an addiction if you try to quit it and then you realized YOU CAN'T.

    Like say you wanna read a book, you get bored of it and put it away.. You cant say your addicted to reading books or that book because you put it away and never used it again, shelfed it and its gone. Now try to go without Masturbation..Lets see how long you can last.

    OBVIOUSLY IF YOU PMO once every other day/few months thats way BETTER THAN doing it 4-5 times a DAY, EVERYDAY!!!

    Fuck this shit, just put it behind you, quit porn fuck it all man, stop bullshitting us and more importantly stop bullshitting yourself
    James0224 and Deleted Account like this.

    MLMVSS Fapstronaut

    If you ever "need" to masturbate, there's a high chance you're addicted to it.
  5. Generally speaking if you stop masturbating and you have an urge or excuse to go back after it's a pretty good indicator. And there's actually a lot of people on here that are just addicted to P and continue to masturbate, but some feel like it hurts their recovery so they abstain PMO fully.

    There's no real right or wrong as NoFap is different for everyone, the most important goal is quitting porn!
  6. Lau

    Lau Fapstronaut

    I use to think the same as you do bro, but I wasn't happy with my life I didn't feel like spending time with other people because I develop social anxiety , porn it does not give you what you want it does a lot harm to your body and brain.
  7. "if you stop masturbating and you have an urge or excuse to go back after it's a pretty good indicator." - Are you sure you are right about it? Doesn't this just make everyone on the planet an addict? So according to you, one must NEVER feel any sexual urges once after they stop masturbating in order for them to be considered a non-addict? I can't tell if you were serious about what you said...but i know some here on nofap who are dumb enough to believe in that s**t
  8. LukeSkywalker3rd

    LukeSkywalker3rd Fapstronaut

    Yes, I would say that that counts as enough to be addicted, because you might not realize it unless you try to do this, but I doubt that you could stop and quit viewing pornography for even a week or two, no matter how badly you wanted too. What it means to be addicted is that to some extent you have lost your control and free will to not give in to those feelings and urges. I only masturbate a few times a week, but I still would say I'm addicted because I can't stop no matter how much I want too.