How to avoid all the SOFT PORN EVERYWHERE?


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I am on my third day of not PMO'ing and i am having problems with abstaining because the urges are more frequent when there are girls everywhere i look on the internet. If you are searching for a song, BAM. If you are looking at a clip on youtube, BAM. If you scroll your timeline on Facebook, BAM. I mean this shit is everywhere it's like they want us to fail. It's like these fuckers thrive of our failures.

Alright so now i am just looking for some advice. Then again i spend a lot of time at home nowadays since i am unemployed and searching for new work. I am starting monday so all i am thinking is hold out until then. Hold out but still some encouragement would be appreciated.

What's your opinion on this?
That's why I avoid pop music from now on. I used to be a big fan of pop artists like Meghan Trainor, Arianna Grande and others, but they are so sexy, and the songs are rather appealing, so I gave up.

I think that if you want to quit porn in pursuit of being a better person, I doubt watching clips on Toutube is a good idea. Wouldn't it be more interesting doing some hobby you like, exercising, sporting, or reading a book maybe?

Social media is useless. Quitting Facenbook will bring no harm, and is one of the worst consumers of time and energy.

You got a new job next week? That's great. My suggestion is reshape what you like to be a better person. I changed completely my tastes and the use of my time since I am on NoFap.
I relate to what you said about time. It's like all that energy needs to be focused somewhere because it's a lot. And that about tastes is also right, everything is slowly changing. I feel like i have lived under a fog, it's my 4th day now starting tomorrow when i wake up. It's not an easy journey.
I would suggest refraining from image based media if possible (ie. television). I find that words/text are usually free from any sort of "soft porn" which is extremely prevalent throughout television/internet. The other suggestion regarding exercising or reading is a good place to start. Perhaps you could learn something new, such as a musical instrument or some other art form. You could also try to immerse yourself in a particular field of study you find interesting (ie. philosophy, science etc.) If you insist on searching for songs or music on YouTube, I suggest searching for clips that only contain text or a still image (preferably non-sexual). I hope this made sense. Best of luck!
Well there are a few points here.. It's subtle, but it is possible to avert your gaze if not just your attention when you do see something. I know it can really draw you in, but it is possible to spend no more than the first split second on it.

As far as music, I'm sorry but a lot of pop music sucks compared to some of the older stuff. But visuals aside there is the subject of the song, Meghan Trainor singing about her big butt probably doesn't help even if you don't watch the video. So my thought here would be to avoid love/sex songs, and also look for older more classic stuff at the same time. Of course there's a matter of taste, but I bet if you give it a chance you can get into some older stuff and even by female vocalists, just not the ones singing about love/sex/relationship stuff. And if that's all you listen to when it comes to female singers that's probably something to look at. Hey what about Aretha Franklin:

One of the problems with our society now (probably due to porn) is that it is so much more sexualized now, which does make avoiding artificial stimulation harder. I don't really like modern music so I didn't have that problem as such but it seems that lots of films/TV series have (usually unnecessary) sex scenes.

I don't really use Youtube anymore, which is a shame because there is some great content there. However, I know that there are so many P subs on there and the way that we consume videos on Youtube is very similar to our porn habit in that we tend to click video to video seeking novelty. If I go to Youtube now I go looking for a specific video and try to close it as soon as I've watched what I was looking for.
FREEDOM, FREEDOM, FREEDOM!!! Really liked that song, it was pretty cool. Soon my 5th day wow amazing that time flies by so fast. It's really about taking it slow and with part goals. Like this week was until Sunday now next week is Wednesday.
Sex sells. If a product can tie into the dopamine desire we feel looking at their ad, it sells. It isn't easy avoid being manipulated. Sometimes I recognize what they are trying to do to me, I get angry, and I quickly move on, but other times it's easy to hang around and drool like a fool. Controlling where we look, how long we look, and what we think while we look is not easy. I do not like being played for a sucker.