So I have a problem: I get a good "streak" (even know counting is not really the best way), and then when I relapse, i keep relapsing every 1-2-3 days, and that can last for a very long time sadly.
I just relapsed today after many previous close relapses, like really, How low am I ? I can't even control myself, I even have my ankle swollen yet I still relapsed, can't exercice, can't take a cold bath, and can't go outside, but even without my ankle injury, i still manege to f*ck things up in the most siliest and stupidest way, I know this is called "chasser effect" but if i can't have a full streak, i can atleast not ruin all the progress from this damn short one, I really am hopeless, i tried everything, i thought that maybe its because i had to prepare 1year for an exam, but it passed and I still am here a week later masturbating and watching porn, I feel LOW, yet somehow, i still find a way to go back to PMO. Please, I require some help to stop this binging attitude at least
I just relapsed today after many previous close relapses, like really, How low am I ? I can't even control myself, I even have my ankle swollen yet I still relapsed, can't exercice, can't take a cold bath, and can't go outside, but even without my ankle injury, i still manege to f*ck things up in the most siliest and stupidest way, I know this is called "chasser effect" but if i can't have a full streak, i can atleast not ruin all the progress from this damn short one, I really am hopeless, i tried everything, i thought that maybe its because i had to prepare 1year for an exam, but it passed and I still am here a week later masturbating and watching porn, I feel LOW, yet somehow, i still find a way to go back to PMO. Please, I require some help to stop this binging attitude at least