How To Betray Your Wife, Destroy Her Self-Worth And Implode Your Marriage In One Easy Step

I am divorced. I found out my ex was an SA after 32 years of marriage. It explained SO MUCH! He was so good at lying and hiding that I was never able to catch him until the end. Before I found out, I felt he had an emotional disorder of some kind (as it was evident something was wrong) and so, trying to be understanding, I accepted him as he was and was going to be in it until the end. Finding out about the SA made me SO ANGRY. I wasn't willing to work it out with him. I realized that he took advantage of my good nature all those years, lied and gaslit me for so, so long. The psychological damage I am working to overcome will take a lifetime. I finally understood my life and realized what hell he put me through through choosing taking the easy way out in life and making me carry it for him. After he punched a hole in the door and he was arrested, he filed for divorce. After this, he broke his business promises to the kids and stole money he was supposed to pay me from the divorce and maintenance. I never believed he would do such a thing and yet he did. After this, I found out he had given me HPV and I had to undergo 2 biopsies before I was cleared of abnormal cells and will have to have regular pap smears to rule out irregularities. I was so mad about this, I almost wrote him an angry email but I realized he would probably just accuse me of sleeping around (I haven't been on so much as one date as I am so traumatized I am not sure I can ever have a normal relationship although I am working on overcoming the damage he did to me). I feel he is a lost cause until I actually see some real and true repentance. He said he was sorry when it happened and I believe there is a marginal feeling of being sorry but not enough to change. He had a long, long time to do that. Even if I saw real and true repentance, our marriage is over. I hope for his sake he finds it for himself. I appreciate the exchanges in this forum and I want to understand it from both sides. Those who are SA's will NEVER understand the deep, deep damage they cause. You may think keeping it hidden keeps the damage from being done, but it doesn't.
I appreciate your input as well. As the addict, it help me understand the other side.

She knew something was up with my behavior for months. I simply thought bit was growing pains as our second year of marriage unfolded. I had no idea my PMO could be the cause of MY behavior and mood change. She eventually had enough and began to investigate, quickly peeling back the layers of a rotten onion.

Thing is, as soon as I was exposed, I was shocked. I never tried to deny or excuse once we quickly not saw what was going on. I have been appalled and ashamed that I chose something so selfish and empty over a beautiful relationship so young and so full of potential.

But regardless of my remorse or actions after the fact, the hurt and damage remains.It has gutted me, too, but not in terms of a victim. I can never forgive myself for what I did to her and our mutual dreams.

Just know that his selfish acts were his own and not because of any shortcomings on your part. There is zero excuse for such actions.
I appreciate your input as well. As the addict, it help me understand the other side.

She knew something was up with my behavior for months. I simply thought bit was growing pains as our second year of marriage unfolded. I had no idea my PMO could be the cause of MY behavior and mood change. She eventually had enough and began to investigate, quickly peeling back the layers of a rotten onion.

Thing is, as soon as I was exposed, I was shocked. I never tried to deny or excuse once we quickly not saw what was going on. I have been appalled and ashamed that I chose something so selfish and empty over a beautiful relationship so young and so full of potential.

But regardless of my remorse or actions after the fact, the hurt and damage remains.It has gutted me, too, but not in terms of a victim. I can never forgive myself for what I did to her and our mutual dreams.

Just know that his selfish acts were his own and not because of any shortcomings on your part. There is zero excuse for such actions.
Thank you.
Kinda upset by some of these replies. I am an SO who is a victim of this. And maybe the writer used the analogy of another man but I said to my husband how would you feel if I turned you down for sex then went and Used P instead. And he said he would be hurt. I told him I was going to buy a toy and use it when he was in the mood to show him how it felt. But honestly it wouldn’t have been the same because I would only be doing it to make a point. It wouldn’t be my real choice. The only time I ever did M was when he was gone and had already used P that morning. And I would think of him. I would always prefer him over anything. And my attraction to him increases. We actually discussed this article. And he agrees that it is cheating. Although he didn’t really look at it that why at all before. Didn’t consider any of the other perspectives. We’ve talked in depth about all the problems and he has many P related issues. He said had he known just what it would do he would have stayed away from it entirely. His parents did warn him that it was bad. But left it at that.

the honest truth is choosing something or someone over your wife is cheating. In our situation my libido is just as high if not higher then his. So that choice is extra hurtful. I enjoy all our time. Talks, eating, adventures, time in nature, deep conversations and our intimate moments. Adult play is tantalizing and wildly fun. I crave that so bad. So just think if you craved your wife more then P you would never think of it. She’s right there, willing to play out any fantasy and really go there with you. I know this is not always the case. But in our situation it is. Just all the more hurtful and insulting that the choice is to leave me in the other room craving attention and a screen is what the preference is. Mentally giving it to any number of other woman. It is heartbreaking. It feels no different than cheating. And right in the next room. I absolutely hate how incredibly insecure and crazy it makes me feel. I kept repeating “why? I’m right here! I want you. I am up for any mood.” No response. “Seriously why? Why did you choose that and not me? You know how badly I miss our daily sex” his response “I don’t know, it’s different, I’m tired” “yeah but I can and do switch tools and do the work, so why?” His response “I don’t have enough time in the morning for sex” my response “you take 45min-1hr to do that. We can both climax in 5 minutes.” He took offense to this. But it’s true and a slow hot build up in nice sometimes. But I think it’s so freaking hot when he just looses his shit. It makes me get there. That makes me feel extra sexy. I explain this but he has insecurities that I am not being honest. That I will get board of him! Never. Could never happen. And I’m super dedicated helping my husband in anyway I can because in my eyes he is the sexiest, most handsome, masculine, most attractive man ever. I love him more then anything. I would do anything to take his pains and burdens. And this is societal programming. This is how a truly harmful industry hijacks people brains. They employ psychologist to make it more addictive and tempting. Honestly so mad at all large companies but they are the absolute worst.

anyway… just because it’s an addiction doesn’t mean you aren’t doing something wrong.
This article frames exactly what my significant other is going through. The pain I’ve put her through I don’t deserve her.
One of the best summaries of the suffering our SOs go through I’ve ever read. Actually, the best summary.

I’ve read and listened to 100’s of hours of Podcasts, audiobooks, and sites like this. This article nails it!

My advice to PAs debating this question, Doesn’t matter what you think or how you justify porn. It’s your partners perspective. Don’t agree with me? Fine, not my opinion that matters. It’s your partner’s perspective that is the crucial test. Love, relationship, finances, home, marriage, family, self respect, mental health all at risk, all on the line.
You sure winning this argument is worth it?

Please don’t read this as me telling you from an elevated moral position. On the contrary, my position is humble, desperate and I may lose everything because I justified use of porn.
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It doesn't matter if you know that you hurt someone with your behavior. That is the essence of addiction. You do it despite fully knowing that you hurt others (and yourself). We addicts are aware that we are destroying our lives. It is compulsive, not rational. Addiction doesn't care about morality. It only cares about pleasure. Sorry. You all act like this is a problem of lack of empathy, which it isn't. It is a problem of people being deeply stuck in self destructive behaviors because they are insecure, they lost self-worth, confidence, meaning in life, sense of purpose and they don't have healthy coping mechanisms to deal with the tragedies of life.
Do you believe that having solo sex with yourself while imagining you’re with someone else is betraying your partner? Maybe that’s where we really have a difference of opinion. I think it is cheating., my husband vowed to forsake all others. Then proceeded to pretend to be faithful because he “ hadn’t” touched another person. Why are emotional affairs even a thing? No sex involved, it shouldn’t hurt right? Too many porn addicts want to minimize the hurt and betrayal by saying “ well at least I didn’t cheat” and take great pride in that fact. I think here, he’s really pointing out, that of your partner feels like it’s cheating then you cannot tell her it’s not. You have the right to disagree, but you do not have the right to tell her how to feel.
If the porn use was a one off, the partner was up front about porn use before the marriage or quit immediately upon the partners expression that “ hey this fuc*ing hurts me, it feels like cheating and I no longer feel like I can trust you” that might be different. That is rarely what happens. Like an affair, he is giving his time, sexual energy, thoughts, and sometimes money to other people. If his vows included “ forsaking ALL others” then yes I expect to be the only person he turns to for sexual expression. I expect him to talk to me ( shocker) if we are not connecting in any area of our life and marriage. Seriously, if you don’t think it’s cheating that’s fine but you do not get to tell your partner how they feel. I’ll put it another way- your wife meets up ever day with a man she met just for coffee at Starbucks. You don’t know about it. But as time goes by you realize she is gone longer, doesn’t talk or listen to you, and she’s refusing sex more and more, months on end. She’s completely uninterested in you. You see she goes to coffee a lot and ask her about it, she says she just gets coffee. You ask if she’s having an affair, she denies. So you follow her. You see her with this man and Later you confront her about it and she says “ he’s just a friend I meet for coffee, nothing is going on”. But she’s sneaking out to meet him multiple times a day, sometimes getting up in the middle of the night while you’re sleeping. You ask her not to, she continues and continues to lie to you about it. You tell her it hurts and feels like cheating and she adamantly says nothing is going on, she’s not having sex with him. You want to know why she isn’t home more often, why she’s lying about meeting this person, if there isnt anything going on why won’t she stop? She argues they’re just friends and why are you so jealous, why can’t she have friends? Your relationship continues to get worse but she says everything is fine, but you are miserable. She doesn’t really care about anything except when she will see her friend next. You call the man…. He tells you they have never had sex, they have never touched, never seen each other naked, ever, he doesn’t even know her real name. They just exchange stories, fantasies of what they want, then go home and masturbate to them. You confront her again and she says “ it’s not cheating, it’s not like one I’m having sex with him. I just fantasize about it and thousands of other men, everyone does it”. Then she says “ I love you, I can see how much this hurts you, I really didn’t know, I’ll stop seeing him”. You feel better, things get better for a while and you think they no longer see each other. Things aren’t great, she is home more often, but then she starts staying away more and more, telling you it’s work, so you start getting a feeling, you think you’re crazy, so you swing by her work and there she is having lunch with the man. You have 3 children, she earns triple what you do ( you just work on the side because someone had to be home with the kids) and she owns the house you live in. You don’t even own a car because she insisted she could pay cash rather than get a loan so it had to be in her name. You completely trusted her. Until now. You feel trapped. I personally feel porn is as bad if not worse than sex. Because of this. You think it is not as bad. Why isn’t it as bad? If I robbed you blind while married, hiding the money would that be different than if I broke in and stole from a stranger? Technically, all the money is “ ours” so I’m not stealing even if I lie to you about it, right? Again, that’s your right to not think if it as cheating but if your partner feels it is cheating, ( man or woman, and yes men can feel the same) then to them it is. Hell just don’t get married or a long term supposedly honest committed relationship. Go have all the solo sex you want, you can cam, see hookers, you can act out every sexual fantasy you want but don’t drag someone else into your life. Be a decent person and think about how they feel, not just what you want.

Agreed this part really missed the mark. I have never heard someone describe viewing porn as "just sex". People are more likely to describe viewing porn as "just images/videos" with no interaction with another person... The author makes a really dishonest comparison between a wife who has a one night stand and a husband viewing porn. It would have been much more effective if the author focused on why/how a husband would not be okay with his wife using porn. Describing how the "just images/videos" argument does not hold water if a wife is choosing porn over intimacy, no longer satisfied with husband physically,
Seeking satisfaction from another IS cheating. If there's no satisfaction with the relationship SAY SOMETHING! If you're not attracted... SAY SOMETHING! The answer is not to crush the soul of another person. I can tell you first hand the devastating effects this kind of diminishing attitude has on the betrayed partner. I've had my husband have a physical affair and this is by far worse. I've never been insecure or jealous in any way in our 30yrs together. I'll be honest.... an in person affair would've been preferable. This, THIS!!!... has been become a daily battle to remain alive. I'm also an addict yet I'm not running to that to " feel better".
So yes! To the betrayed IT IS THE SAME if not worse