How to change my mindset and get motivated again?


Hello guys its been 2+ years that i have lost my motivation to quit,i try every single day to stop this stupid addiction but i keep relapsing many times a day.When i get an urge i dont have the power to say no i just act out immediately.I have one question do you think i cn change my minset if i start watching many many nofap videos on YouTube?,i successfully cured my hocd using youtube
That happens, but if you have been able to do it once you can definitely do it again. You need determination, set up small goals first. If you are PMO several times a day, make the goal to not do it today. When you are successful to not do it today, next set up the goal for the next two days.

Try working out if you are not doing it already, that helps a lot to burn the excess of Energy.

Reading books and watching videos about Nofap is a good idea to replace the time we spent watching porn.

You got this bro.