How to determine if a woman is lying about body count? (how many people they have had sex with)

NZT 48

In this current society it is not uncommon for women to have had sex with several different men before you encounter them. For most men this will not be a problem as they themselves will have also had sex with several women.

However, I am one of those people that has held back from letting loose and I would only want to engage with a woman who has done the same.

It is a common joke that you should multiply whatever number a woman gives you by 4 and then add 3 to get the correct number of sexual partners, but this raises an important issue.

I would NOT want to have sex with any woman with a body count of over 3. But there is nothing stopping them from saying they had 2 sexual partners when in fact they've had 22.

So , does anybody have ways they use of determining body count or lying?
Boil the question down and ask, why do you really care?

He’s probably scared she had sex with guys with bigger dicks than he has and maybe he’s afraid they pleased her more than he ever could. Even if she meets his requirements (under 3, I think), that still could have happened.

The hard part is getting over those insecurities, but it’s possible. Bigger doesn’t always mean better.
Yes all valid and true - must trust their initial judgement for relationship to work... thank you for those responses.
Somebody who has been very promiscuous in the past is highly likely to cheat in a relationship.

Not necessarily. What if they only had sex with one person at a time and they just happened to have a lot of short 3-month-or-less relationships?
He’s probably scared she had sex with guys with bigger dicks than he has and maybe he’s afraid they pleased her more than he ever could. Even if she meets his requirements (under 3, I think), that still could have happened.

The hard part is getting over those insecurities, but it’s possible. Bigger doesn’t always mean better.

Speak for yourself my friend. Even in the very unlikely event the woman has been with people with bigger dicks, that is irrelevant. Your promiscuity says a lot about your character.
Not necessarily. What if they only had sex with one person at a time and they just happened to have a lot of short 3-month-or-less relationships?

Well if somebody has had several short term relationships what does this show you? Either they consistently misjudged and jumped in too quickly, they got bored OR it was a problem on their side consistently causing the relationship to break down. Like it or not , the past tells a lot about the future.
Speak for yourself my friend. Even in the very unlikely event the woman has been with people with bigger dicks, that is irrelevant. Your promiscuity says a lot about your character.

Very unlikely? More like 100% likely.

Well if somebody has had several short term relationships what does this show you? Either they consistently misjudged and jumped in too quickly, they got bored OR it was a problem on their side consistently causing the relationship to break down. Like it or not , the past tells a lot about the future.

I shows me they had a string of bad luck, nothing more, nothing less. You’re over thinking and making generalizations.
In this current society it is not uncommon for women to have had sex with several different men before you encounter them. For most men this will not be a problem as they themselves will have also had sex with several women.

However, I am one of those people that has held back from letting loose and I would only want to engage with a woman who has done the same.

It is a common joke that you should multiply whatever number a woman gives you by 4 and then add 3 to get the correct number of sexual partners, but this raises an important issue.

I would NOT want to have sex with any woman with a body count of over 3. But there is nothing stopping them from saying they had 2 sexual partners when in fact they've had 22.

So , does anybody have ways they use of determining body count or lying?
Do you really want to have sex with someone who you can't even trust not to lie to you about their sexual experience? I certainly wouldn't. If you are only planning to have sex with someone you love and trust, this shouldn't be an issue. I've never lied to anybody about my sexual experience, and certainly not my past boyfriends and current spouse.
It really is not that big of a deal.

Somebody who has been very promiscuous in the past is highly likely to cheat in a relationship.

Is this actually true? I highly doubt it. If you are with a girl that has a low 'lay count'. If the relationship gets to the state that someone would cheat, she might not do it, but she might be thinking about it.

Is that any better or worse? It's surely better to not have the relationship get to such a poor place in the first place.

The problem is that it's self-defeating. You could be cutting yourself off from meeting some seriously great women, that, believe it or not, could love and care for you more than one with a lower 'lay count'.

But if you are serious your best bet is to join a religion I guess. Meet those church girls. But I would seriously recommend looking for a girl with a good big heart rather than focusing so much on the 'lay count'. The two aren't mutually exclusive
But if you are serious your best bet is to join a religion I guess. Meet those church girls. But I would seriously recommend looking for a girl with a good big heart rather than focusing so much on the 'lay count'. The two aren't mutually exclusive
Even as a Christian, I've dated plenty of guys who were far from being virgins, mostly because they didn't become Christians until much later in life. They were still amazing men, though, and as a virgin myself, I didn't break up with them because of that or think any less of them because of that. It was a bit disappointing, since I would have loved to marry someone who had the same level of sexual experience I did, so we could experience all of that together for the first time (which I ultimately did). But at the end of the day, you're absolutely right. Past sexual encounters don't define a person, and I agree that they shouldn't be the determining factor of whether or not you date someone.
So , does anybody have ways they use of determining body count or lying?

A way to determine body count ... that just sounds so cold to me. It may just be the term "body count", and I know I don't know you, but my gut suggests it goes a bit deeper than just the terminology.

I have never been someone who just has sex with a woman for the sake of having sex. I've always given a relationship some time to develop first and one of the things that develops when you get to know someone is a level of trust. Once I feel I can trust someone it becomes much easier to believe what they say and if that doesn't happen then they are not right for me. In the end though you can never be 100% sure that you are not being lied to, but I've found it is really hard for most people to keep up an act forever, eventually their true nature comes out.

Good luck with it :)
In this current society it is not uncommon for women to have had sex with several different men before you encounter them. For most men this will not be a problem as they themselves will have also had sex with several women.

However, I am one of those people that has held back from letting loose and I would only want to engage with a woman who has done the same.

It is a common joke that you should multiply whatever number a woman gives you by 4 and then add 3 to get the correct number of sexual partners, but this raises an important issue.

I would NOT want to have sex with any woman with a body count of over 3. But there is nothing stopping them from saying they had 2 sexual partners when in fact they've had 22.

So , does anybody have ways they use of determining body count or lying?
There's no fine science lol I wouldn't judge a women who had mutiple sex partners but that's just me because I know majority people are having casual sex and I wouldn't put her on the spot about that question unless we get serious but then again her past is her past
It really is not that big of a deal.

I agree Temujin, but we are all different and have every right to look for what we consider important to us personally. What is trivial for me can be quite significant for someone else and I'm good with that.

Different societies and subcultures also have different generally accepted value sets. Our values also have a funny way of changing as we get older and hopefully a bit more mature :)
I agree with what's been said about trusting your SO.

But this video might help you figure out if a girl is lying or not. I'd recommend watching all of it because it will help you understand lying a bit more.
