In this current society it is not uncommon for women to have had sex with several different men before you encounter them. For most men this will not be a problem as they themselves will have also had sex with several women.
However, I am one of those people that has held back from letting loose and I would only want to engage with a woman who has done the same.
It is a common joke that you should multiply whatever number a woman gives you by 4 and then add 3 to get the correct number of sexual partners, but this raises an important issue.
I would NOT want to have sex with any woman with a body count of over 3. But there is nothing stopping them from saying they had 2 sexual partners when in fact they've had 22.
So , does anybody have ways they use of determining body count or lying?
However, I am one of those people that has held back from letting loose and I would only want to engage with a woman who has done the same.
It is a common joke that you should multiply whatever number a woman gives you by 4 and then add 3 to get the correct number of sexual partners, but this raises an important issue.
I would NOT want to have sex with any woman with a body count of over 3. But there is nothing stopping them from saying they had 2 sexual partners when in fact they've had 22.
So , does anybody have ways they use of determining body count or lying?