How to get superpowers back.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Eggsy, Mar 29, 2017.

  1. Eggsy

    Eggsy Fapstronaut

    Hello guys, I have something to share. I have on nofap and I have wet dream last night. I wake up with tired state. Then I decided to have a 1 hour meditation to set my mind back. It works. My confidence and my motivation comeback. Meditation is a good way to deal with your mind and emotion.
  2. Jam122

    Jam122 Fapstronaut

    Meditation is massively underrated. I find when I'm on a long streak it takes over the coping mechanism gap that PMO used to fill when bad stuff happens.

    Ten minutes of practicing mindfulness completely improves my mood and often alters the course of the rest of my day.
    Whackless and señor like this.
  3. I would find it hard to meditate for an hour, how do you do it?
    Whackless likes this.
  4. Porn Free Wanderer

    Porn Free Wanderer Fapstronaut

    Start by meditating for 10 minutes a day, then gradually build it up.
    Whackless likes this.
  5. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Meditation Is The Truth ! I can't stress that enough ... although it might not be for everybody, it is a game changer . I can't imagine life without it now .
  6. Wtf . How?
  7. Meditation has done so much for me in all kinds of ways. Nofap related as well as just generally improved my life. I think it is essential exercise for our mind if we want to keep it healthy. Everybody knows that if they want to keep body fit and healthy they need to exercise. Same goes for our brain. If we want to keep healthy mind meditation is a must. It's unfortunate that there is not so much awareness around it as exercise culture because it's super important.
    Whackless and I Free I like this.
  8. HPE

    HPE Fapstronaut

    Hello guys i'm new to the nofap community and this is my first post (pretty excited)! I totally agree with you guys! Personally i don't meditate, i rather pray! I would say that it's almost impossible to quit porn without meditation or prayer! The first thing porn damages i think is the soul and that's what must be fixed first!
    Alyx87 and Whackless like this.
  9. Welcome to the community bro. :)
    HPE and Whackless like this.
  10. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Whackless likes this.
  11. Fink93

    Fink93 Fapstronaut

    nice to hear that it helps. any tips? i´d like to try it myself!
    Whackless likes this.
  12. Whackless

    Whackless Fapstronaut

    Call Don Cheadle, 555-555-5555

    LegendaryToast likes this.
  13. I have some tips in the link that's in my signature. :emoji_innocent:
    Whackless likes this.
  14. Whackless

    Whackless Fapstronaut

    Find a center of some kind near you with a teacher of some kind if you really want to learn it properly otherwise books and articles. PM to chat but I'm not about to start shoving things down your throat here.
    LegendaryToast likes this.
  15. Whackless

    Whackless Fapstronaut

  16. Whackless

    Whackless Fapstronaut

    It really shouldn't be. There's so much research being done on it these days in 'mindfulness labs' at major Uni's and stuff. It should be as important as sleep and eating to anyone who fully realizes the importance of it.
  17. Fink93

    Fink93 Fapstronaut

  18. I tried meditation before... But still I feel that when you apply mindfullness in every thing you do it gives you same benifits as meditation. Still i am not sure man. What do you think?
  19. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Everybody's experience with something is usually going to be different, whether it be good for you or "bad" for you so I would say you have to follow your intuition on that one and figure out what do you really want to do ? ... for me, it works like a charm . And there's not only mindfulness type meditations... you got different variety's that'll give you different benefits . your benefits sometimes wont happen overnight, things that can have a great impact on your life takes time but it's worth it . It's just my opinion, you guys choose whether you want to follow through or not . hope this helps you .:emoji_innocent::emoji_muscle:
  20. I Free I

    I Free I Guest