How To Hold A Sexual Charge


You are on a streak of maybe 5 days and you are feeling horny. At this point you can either, indulge it and begin with innocent pictures of beautiful women then allow the arousal escalate into porn with the beat off until release, or ignore it and don't let it grow and let it pass and distract yourself. Which do you do? Truth is you have a choice. When you look at any kind of sexual material your dick has ammunition. Instead don't even entertain the idea of porn and bring the arousal into the higher centers of your body. Realize you are a sexual being and the urges can give you a spike in energy in thought or bodily sensations. Eventually if you meditate and focus the energy (transmute) from your scrotum up into your body the urge actually goes away. The moment you start touching and looking up pictures you already lost. It's like a ticking timebomb because the masturbation sensations don't really go away when escalated even if you sleep and wake up the next day. The key is to not let the arousal get that far. When you transmute successfully and go to bed and wake up, you restart with no arousal. Good Luck.