How we are rewiring our brains for misery


People on Nofap usually relapse when they are miserable, when they think anxiety or pain is higher than what they can take and there is no hope, when the brain tricks us that there is no way out. even if i don't relapse now i'm gonna relapse soon and the pain just doesn't worth it.

by doing this we teach our brains to be pessimistic, to be anxious to be sad because all these feelings are things that lead to sexual release and to further rewiring of our brain for misery.

i think just being aware of the process helps breaking it.

what do you think ? how do you think we can prevent this from happening ?
Be positive about it. Learn to like other things. Learn to be happy about any achievement. People just give up eventually which is a bad way of doing. After a relapse they feel miserable and they think that its so hard to start over, and that they will never achieve anything.
The truth is, realising the problem is an achievement. Abstaining for a week is an achievement. Before, many people couldn't even go without pmo for a day, a week is great. Sure thing you may relapse usually after a week but eventually it will take 2 weeks, then 4.
It may be a long time, but its all getting better and easier every time. And who cares if sometimes it happens right? It was still good while it lasted. If you don't quit, you didn't lose anything. There is always a next time, which will be even better than the last one.