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I’m done, I gave up on girls and accepted the fact that no girl is gonna love a guy like me

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by zeke27, Jun 15, 2021.

  1. Bandyakama

    Bandyakama Fapstronaut

    Yeah I feel this post deeply.
  2. little rick

    little rick New Fapstronaut

    I'm new for this forum, you title catch my eyes, so i get in here to reply some words to you, because you just as what i was be. by the way, I speak Chinese, so maybe you need to translate my word by google:)
    here is my story:我内心的欲望很强,或者你可以理解为我的性欲很旺盛,这在我上初中的时候就表现了出来,但是很遗憾,一直到18岁我都没有女朋友,甚至接触都很少(我的意思是很少和女生聊天、一起出去玩之类的)。但是我内心很希望获得女生的赞赏,或者说崇拜,可能每个男生都想做国王吧哈哈。在我17岁的时候遇到一个女生,她跟我不是一个学校,我第一次见她感觉她十分的独特,她很迷人,我认为我爱上了她,但是现实是我不敢跟她说话,说话很拘谨,在那一刻我觉得自己很卑微,感觉自己不够优秀去征服她,我会默默地关注她的喜好,送上我认为最好的礼物,抓住一切机会跟她用手机聊天,我自认为我做得很好,但是她并没有接受我,或者说我并没有提出我的求爱,我付出的所有的一切,时间、金钱、精力都白费了。在中国有个十分有趣的词,“舔狗”,就是指一个男生为了得到女生的芳心,卑微地付出一切。这是一个十分具有侮辱性的词语,但是我不得不承认,自己就是那样的。后来我考上了大学,去了北京,在那里我逐渐地改变自己,我每天坚持打篮球和做锻炼,这让我的身材有了很大的改变。我的气质得到了很大的提升,或者说我的内心和思想正在起变化,我接受了我是个弱者的事实,因为这是你的内心逐渐强大的起点,起点就是承认你自己的不足,承认你自己内心是懦弱的,一个人如果不承认自己的不足和不完美,这个人是伪君子,是外强中干的,这不是一个真正的男人。正是因为我们承认我们身上存在着很多的弱点,所以我们才会脚踏实地去改变。年轻女孩可能会喜欢各种新奇的东西,但是你要知道女生最需要的是安全感,她需要一个坚强的男人去支持她、爱她,换句话说,女生是喜欢成熟的男人的,即使她们曾经喜欢过那些带给她们新奇感受的人,但是归根结底,没有人会拒绝内心强大且能力很强的人。如何让你的内心变强大,苦难是会让你变得强大,当你洗热水澡的时候,你会感到舒服,但是你有胆量洗冷水澡吗?变强大就是去改变你不愿意改变的东西,接触你不愿意接触的东西,理解你不愿意理解的东西,我这里不是说接触一些不健康的东西,而是告诉你,你应该去挑战自己的缺点和弱点,坚持一些好的习惯,对自己要求更加严格,比如说你应该戒掉零食和碳酸饮料,你应该停止吃高热量、高脂肪的快餐食物,你应该停止做无意义的事情(这不等于你要放弃让你快乐的事情,你依然可以玩电子游戏,但是应该控制时间,探索更多让你开心的事情)。最重要的一点是你应该看更多的书,你可以去看很多关于历史的书,有关哲学和政治的书籍,去接触深刻的观点和见解,而不是听政客的胡说八道,政客只在乎选票!你应该去看看苏格拉底和亚里士多德是如何看待世界的,你应该去理解人类文明是如何发展的,相信我,当你致力于弄明白这些问题的时候,你不是书呆子,你会迅速成熟,你的内心会迅速强大,你洞察世界的能力会碾压周围的所有人,不仅仅你的大脑会更聪明,你坚持锻炼会让你的身材更好,如果有哪个女人会拒绝一个身体强壮、思想深刻,同时又十分爱她的人,那她要么是个傻子!要么是个疯子!(我没有歧视的意思)。我在北京的几年里就是在默默地强大着自己,结果你知道有多少女生追求过我吗?一年之内居然有7个!你要知道在中国,我们的文化中,女生主动追求男生是很难的!因为女生应该保持矜持!当我再次去接触当初我喜欢的那个女孩的时候,you know what? 我发现她并不是那么完美,她也并不是那么美好,她曾经让我着迷的东西还在,但是我已经不感兴趣了,为什么?因为我变得更加强大了,我变得更加优秀了,因而你会发现你对另一半的标准也变高了!她已经不在适合我了!但是最离谱的事情是,当她再次接触我的时候,反而被我所迷住了,你就会发现这个世界有多么神奇!但是很遗憾,我并不想跟她在一起,所以我拒绝了她。
    我希望我的经历能带给你启发,可能我们之间相隔一个太平洋,但是这并不影响我们作为人类而存在的共识。best wishes!
    jd6735 and MindfulWarrior like this.
  3. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    Yo bro your words are good for me. I understand your idea but this is getting to me really, I just wanna be alone, girls don't like me, I'm not interesting for them and I feel like trying to change some things is a way to feel untrue to myself... don't know what y'all guys think...
  4. CAKCy

    CAKCy Fapstronaut

    I will chase you in every thread you post! :p
    You have work to do to make you a winner!
    If you need help to achieve your goals, ask me for it.
    But don't lose your focus! You (and I) have a lot of work to do!
    zeke27 likes this.
  5. Usernameallowed

    Usernameallowed Fapstronaut

    Try loving yourself first dude fs
  6. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    What type of guy are you?
  7. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    Not a beautiful one
  8. thedummmil

    thedummmil Fapstronaut

    Hi, I would say you shouldn't focus so much on getting a girlfriend. And you shouldn't give up on getting one. As you said, do what you like to do. Work out, read books, talk to family. Be a good person. The truth is a real relationship is something that just comes without pushing it over. I felt like i'm ugly and disguisting and not worth any girl (not talking about sex). This thoughts will fade away after you meet the right one. A good kind girl. Someone that you can be 100% yourself in front off. And she would be herself in front of you. And you will fall in love.

    Just dont try to hard and dont push yourself or relationships. Be yourself. Thats the most important thing. You want someone to like because of who you are, not because of someone who you pretending to be. And remember. Relationship is like a protein shake, its only like a DLC to already happy life :D

    Stay strong
  9. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    Do ugly guys never get sex? I think some do
  10. zeke27

    zeke27 Fapstronaut

    IDK, not the sex I'd like to have. I like some girl to love me for true
  11. TimeToQuitNow

    TimeToQuitNow Fapstronaut

    We all want true love. Finding it isn't so easy, ugly or handsome
    zeke27 likes this.
  12. MellotronScratch

    MellotronScratch Fapstronaut

    Well... look at Mike Myers or young Roger Waters (pick related), you don't need to be attractive to be loved or to be succesful, all you need to have is confidence and love in yourself and your talents.
    TimeToQuitNow likes this.
  13. Mazda647

    Mazda647 Fapstronaut

    That's a thing I had to wrestle with in my head. Got contacts in high school thinking it would make the girls like me. Later on had come cosmetic surgery done. At the end of the day I continuously had to learn to have more confidence. Still a long road.

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