I always fap after a week


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Hi guys. About a month ago, I started nofap seriously. Before starting, I already wrote down everything that fap does to me, which is mostly negative, so that whenever I feel like to fap, I will read them, remember and not do it. But, for whatever reason at the 7th, sometimes 6th day, that fluids wants to flush out of my body, and so I can't keep myself and fap. Its like, I know I am in a peak level where I have to have sex(which is kind of healthy thing to do) in order to decrease that feeling, but as I don't have that chance, for private reasons, I decrease that feeling with unhealthy things like watching porn and masturbating. Can you please give me insight on this? and how can I prevent that 1 week cycle from happening?
Thanks in advance.
Whenever urges come and tempt you into watching porn you mustn't give in. You can go out for a run, listen to binaural beats(which is what I'm currently doing:emoji_grin:), read other users posts or watch a video from the youtube channel of Fight the new drug.

The most important thing is to not even take a peek at porn or nude pictures because when you give in or take even a peek, it's too late.
Stay Strong bro!
Keep posting on this forum.

P.S. I have been having urges for the past two hours and while writing this post, they really just disappeared. I don't know how but they did. I guess you can help yourself by helping others.
You may need to fail a bit before you get stronger, but, come on man, if you can do 5 or 6 days, you can do 7. Then 8. Then more. Don't be fooled by that demon in your mind that will do anything - anything! - to weaken your resolve.
I'd also suggest you seek professional help. You're normal! But I am convinced it is almost impossible to stop PMO without the help of those familiar with the workings of the mind.
If you're fighting the desire for sexual release and all you've got is willpower then the sexual desire will eventually win. I'm not a huge fan of the willpower approach, its failed me every time. You need to distract yourself instead, do something other than willing and fighting against fap, what you resist will persist. Go for a run, play a game, get out in public, help someone else, stick your fingers in your ears and sing out loud, anything that gets you focusing on something non sexual.