-I am sorry I cannot produce perfect sound, say perfect words or make perfect expression in a perfect moment
- I am sorry I don't have small waist, big butt and giant fake boobs
-I am sorry I cannot bend my body how you want me to when you want me to
- I am sorry I am not hot enough, exciting enough, sexy enough
- I am sorry I cannot be good little girl and just pretend your PIED and DE do not exist
- I am sorry I am just one same old me and not a hundreds of perfect bodies you are used to
- I am sorry I cannot live up to your fantasies
- I am sorry I exist.
- I am sorry I don't have small waist, big butt and giant fake boobs
-I am sorry I cannot bend my body how you want me to when you want me to
- I am sorry I am not hot enough, exciting enough, sexy enough
- I am sorry I cannot be good little girl and just pretend your PIED and DE do not exist
- I am sorry I am just one same old me and not a hundreds of perfect bodies you are used to
- I am sorry I cannot live up to your fantasies
- I am sorry I exist.