Does anyone else have this "setback"? I find it hard to believe most forum posters can just immediately jump in on the 90 days challenge and go at it straight without masturbating once.. For me, I think it's willpower. I'm not sure what kind of willpower you have reading this but I've been at PM since 10 years.. I don't think it's possible to just immediately jump in the bandwagon all at once. Anyone else think like me too? What can I do to remedy this situation? Thanks in advance guys.
I was just like you,but you just have to have the willpower really, and to avoid anything that may remind you of masturbating or porn, that includes videos on youtube that may have sexual interference or sexual things like clips for exemple ,i had a setback of 2 days not even 4-5 , and now i haven't watched porn or masturbated since september 25th, that's about 50 days. Good luck, you can make it , i made it , of course you can
And everytime you feel that you cannot control yourself, take a cold shower, that will remove all of the thoughts and feelings.
I suppose willpower is everything, it's what I basically see in most user posts (and that's good, nothing negatively implied). I look up the advice on how to distract myself more from PM. Thanks.