I Can't Stop Masturbating (2006 Documentary)


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At 2:05 in the above video clip, a patient is seen by an Asian doctor. He is told that if he doesn't quit masturbating and conquer his addiction, he will experience "tooth ache, loose teeth, back pain, weak knees, exhaustion, depression, psychological disorders, impotence and erectile dysfunction." Pharma and Med shills in the comments, along with plenty of everyday idiots, are mocking this film but there's nothing funny or fake about this.

If anyone has any credible and legitimate text/videos regarding TCM and Ayurveda's view on excessive PMO, please share.
Thanks for sharing. I watched the entire documentary and it was good. It's nice how they portrayed it as the serious addiction that it is and how openly they showed the different aspects of it. Thankfully most of us aren't as far gone as those guys so if they can do something about it then so can we, it seems.
Thanks for sharing. I watched the entire documentary and it was good. It's nice how they portrayed it as the serious addiction that it is and how openly they showed the different aspects of it. Thankfully most of us aren't as far gone as those guys so if they can do something about it then so can we, it seems.
I think the main thing that's important is to eliminate the shame surrounding our addiction, because it's one of the big reasons why one keeps relapsing, at least it is for me.
Thankfully most of us aren't as far gone as those guys so if they can do something about it then so can we, it seems.

In terms of habit and experience, maybe, yeah. But in terms of symptoms, not so much. There are tons of guys here, myself included, who experience many of the symptoms mentioned by the Asian doctor and then some. We get called crazy for attributing them to PMO. My own natural doctor refused initially to believe some of my claims but as we went on working together, he started seeing the light as he researched in order to be able to better help me. He began advising me at one point to cut down as much as I can because any recovery I could have will be hindered by this shit.
The first guy seems confident for someone who masturbates 5-8 times a day.
The first guy seems confident for someone who masturbates 5-8 times a day.

Not all situations, scenarios and predicaments can be expected to mirror each other. Also, this was recorded in 2006 or 2007. Compare porn then and now.