I delete my web browser out of fear of someone finding out of my fetish. I have watched porn since a young age and this habit is harder to beat then my weed dependency which I no longer have. I like ladyboys and have fucked two already. Prostitutes. I kind of knew it was a ts but I was high and strolling the streets of Barcelona. This asian lady flashed some tourist. She had the biggest boobs I had ever seen. I chatted her up and we went to the 3rd story of a apartment complex. I payed 25 euro for a blowjob. I was so fucking hard and she asked if I wanted sex. How could I say no. I fucked her like a fuck doll and it was so nice. I was a bit confused as to what had happened later on but i did not see her dick and my dick just slid right into her so it was really hard to tell if she was a ts. The 2nd time I was in Amsterdam and this asian lady with big titts and glasses were getting talked shit to. I felt bad for her so I went up to her window and went inside. I fucked her silly three times. When I noticed her balls after cumming the third time I felt disgusted. But somehow after this two experiences I now crave dick and fantasies about jerking each other off and maybe me sucking her dick. Now I want to see her dick and thats whats thrilling. But im 27 years old now. I need to find a girl I can settle down with and not watching guys with breast implants. Fuck i need Nofap The last three years I have craved ladyboy porn. I have tried avoiding it and watched regular porn but I get so more fucking hard when i thinking or looking at ts girls.
you need to go hard mode, no pmo 90 days, that means no porn, no masturbation, no orgasm, if you want to kill this addiction than you cant keep feeding it. I have a similar fetish, i have always been attracted to girls with penises, im not gay however because i have no attraction to men whatsoever, And i definitely crave women.
Yeah, i think so also. This here is my first step. I have dreaded to go hard mode for a couple of years now. I just need to do it. Have patience with me brother
You can go at your own pace, but what i realized is every day i just do it and get it over with is another day closer to freedom.
Like anything, a fetish is an amalgamation of numerous factors ihin your life so far and nothing to be ashamed of... hell, I have a friend who is straight, has been married, and has 69 with a transexual woman and bottomed for a guy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Still is only *really* interested in dating/marrying women (non-ts). Point being, the category of porn addiction you fall into is irrelevant and nothing (really) to be concerned with, and if you can accept that it'll help you with the habit. Think of it this way: it's more exciting to watch TS becausa it feels "taboo". But if you let go of that "taboo" feeling then it won't be as interesting, thus making the addiction easier to cope with. Good luck with the reboot, hard mode is 100% the way to go if you're struggling. Removing the entire process of masturbation helps break the habits related to it that you find undesireable.
Ok. I totally agree with you that ladyboys is taboo and that is what i get my big urge from. How should i view ts porn from a non taboo standpoint? Like imagining they are just sexy guys?
Mate, they’re just men pretending to be women, it’s pure costume drama. The fundamental dogma of transgendered person ideology is that gender is performative, and they go a long way to prove their thesis.
That's receptor downregulation right there brother. You're not the only one who started off jerking off to girls and ended up getting erections almost exclusively thinking about having gay sex or whatever. Over time it's what needed to prevent tolerance (yes, porn induces tolerance too). Studies with mice actually showed that cranking up levels of endorphins resulted in homosexual interests that are not necessarily innate (but who knows if it's really genes?). Some guys just prefer romantic or sexual relationships with other men, but if you started off wanking to women and then men or transgendered people you may become very uncertain about your sexual orientation. You should definitely reboot if you ever want your brain to just like natural women again. I know it can feel very unnatural to end up jacking it to the thought of another guy but that is exactly where porn is getting people all of the time.