I don't know what else to do


New Fapstronaut
Hello, I wanted to comment my case, I have been trying to quit the addiction for two years, but nothing, I have done everything to block access to porn, I have installed extensions, I have blocked them with windows regedit, I have disabled the BIOS so I can not load linux live, I have more than 500 search terms blocked on my computer, I have blocked access to the play store on my android, I can not download any new app for my phone. The worst of all is that I always find a new way to watch porn, because I spend most of my time sitting in front of a computer, as my profession requires it, I am a software developer.

I don't know what to do anymore, if someone has gone through a similar case to mine, could you tell me what you have done to solve this problem, or could you tell me effective blocking methods, thank you.
When i worked a job requiring to sit in front of the screen all the time, i had similar experience. Since you are software developer you are probably very skilled with computers, so you usually circumvent the blocks. But finding every exploit just to disabe viewing it can be a nightmare. And in end, you will again see it somewhere(like across the street at neighbour:)), approach should be different. Make a list of PMO days on monthly basis, and from there start reducing it.
And I do, I have a diary in excel where I have a calendar where I write down the days I don't see content as well as the days when I do, personally I don't see much help, but thanks for the suggestion anyway.