I don't know what to do (help)


New Fapstronaut
I was waiting all summer really excited to go to college to study furniture making/design.
But today I found out that my course was cancelled and it's too late to apply for other ones.
I was counting on going to that course for the past 5 years and now I dont know what to do with myself. I don't want to do nothing but I don't know what to do.
I could teach myself woodwork but I wouldnt know where to start.
Please help.
(I'm 20 from ireland)
I was waiting all summer really excited to go to college to study furniture making/design.
But today I found out that my course was cancelled and it's too late to apply for other ones.
I was counting on going to that course for the past 5 years and now I dont know what to do with myself. I don't want to do nothing but I don't know what to do.
I could teach myself woodwork but I wouldnt know where to start.
Please help.
(I'm 20 from ireland)
From where to start is a very obvious question for students nowadays who are unable to reach out the course in which they are interested. Candidates are often even confused to choose which training institute for an online course. Online education is preferred by individuals who may not be able to make it for classes in a traditional brick and mortar kind of college due to various reasons. Below are some reasons Flexibility, Cost reduction, Networking Opportunities, Increased Instructor - Student Time, Access to Expertise. The future of online degree education looks promising and opens up education to a larger section of the population than ever before. I was in the same situation but then someone referred me spoto who are experts in many IT certification that too online. They have expert and experienced teachers who not only are good in teaching but also provide material so that candidate can pass the exam in the first attempt without any fear to fail.
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