i failed NoFap


New Fapstronaut
hi. i'm a 16 years old male and today i lost nofap after 77 days. I previously did some other tries and i always got around 30 days that always went pretty easy for me. In my last try i felt like i was doing fine without thinking of fapping for about 50 days, but after these the thought of losing was becoming worse. So i did it twice today and i now feel like shit (as i should). I probably lost because i saw videos of people saying that after 30 days i would have felt much better and free to PMO, and seeing that i was keep thinking about it when i had free time made me think i was wasting time. What should I do? Is this normal? thanks.
If you still want to change your relationship with PMO just start over! You did 77 days and if you think there were positive changes then do another reboot.