I have gone 20 days nofap hard mode and feel worse than before


Hello all,

I have gone 20 days nofap (no porn, masturbation, or sex, ejaculation, etc), and for this whole time I have felt pretty bad. My goal is just 30 days. This is the opposite of what I was expecting. My sex drive has... decreased?

I am a physically fit, highly motivated, confident person. 22 years old. But during this time, my confidence has decreased and my irritability has SKYROCKETED. I am more and more annoyed with people. I have more negative thoughts (not about myself, just in general). And I don't feel as energetic as I normally do. I also do normally get with a lot of girls, so right now I am feeling like I am missing out on all of that. I know it is just my mind trying to get me to give in, but it is still hard to deal with.

I know many of you may be thinking "flatlining", but is it really flatlining at this point?

Does anyone have any advice? Any motivating words? Similar personal experiences?

Thank you guys.
Yes, I get you.

I've been through this period before. You go down and down because your body is trying to come up with some way to feel better and it's not working. You're also investing an insane amount of time and mental energy into not doing something. It's exhausting.

Give yourself some more time. Add self-care into your routine somehow. Go for a hike, jog, exercise, or whatever.

You're doing a great job getting to 20 days!
Rebooting takes time. Personal accounts on here suggest that the younger you started using porn the longer it's going to take.
I started watching porn obsessively when I was 26. Realized I have ED at 32.
After 30 days I was flatlining. 0 sex drive, no morning wood. I was constantly looking for substitutes, and very restless.
A couple of weeks later I was super horny (around day 45). Random spontaneous erections for not-even-that-hot chicks on the bus.
Couple of weeks later things seemed to have balanced out (approaching day 60). I'd get morning wood regularly. He'd get 100% hard when there was something going on, rest of the time he was rested - so working according to manufacturer specs.

Some of the younger guys on here, who've been using high-speed porn since they hit puberty (sometimes even before), are reporting no improvement after 6 months, or even a year.

TLDR - it takes as long as it takes.

But great job on the first three weeks. They're by far the hardest.