I just relapsed…


I feel terrible. I ended up sleeping alone last night because my wife was up working. I’ve been porn free for about 5 days. But I had a boner in the middle of the night. I ended up dry humping my pillow since I couldn’t have sex. I don’t want this to happen again. I went to my imagination instead of going to porn like I usually do. I know that I can and I will get through this addiction. I’ve just gotta re-set my brain.
That is not a relapse in my book brother.
Be kind and gentle to yourself.
You sound like you have it together, and have a wife who will be there for you when you need help.
Many people set themselves a very low bar on relapse, and that will not help you in the end.
What I mean by that is that you have 5 days of no porn and had a boner and dry humped a pillow.
That is not relapsing to porn.

You are fine bro, just keep on the path, and if you have occasional relapses, it is not the end of the world.
Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, have a laugh at the relapse, and continue on your journey.

Make the journey fun, don't take it too seriously, and your mind will realise you are happier without porn than with it,
and not torture you to go back to porn.

Cheers for now.
The other night, I felt as though I was haunted by my sexual past. See, I’ve been a porn addict since I was 11 years old. First porn of choice was my dad’s old playboy collection. After I struggled with gaining attention from the opposite gender I then turned to the same gender. I started looking up harder material (lesbian) then eventually I ended up looking at Gay porn. I wonder if I had let porn define my sexuality.. by the time I was fifteen, I came out as Bisexual. I had a few great sexual experiences with some friends. One was with my next door neighbor. I always thought that I would end up in a gay relationship for the rest of my life. That was until I met the woman that I would eventually fall in love with & get married. When I got married, I decided to quit porn for good. I would leave that bisexual identity behind me. But my past just came back to haunt me. I dove back into Gay porn finding whatever could get me off. I even had fantasies of great gay sex but in reality, I knew that being “gay” or “bi” wouldn’t work in the real world because I’m happily married! Am I just confused? Is it the porn or am I really Bisexual??