Khri$$ Javan
On some good ol ganja. I cant stop smoking meee eyes so red while I typing this post lol. Problem is smoke to much excessively. I love the reefa n I'll never stop toking till the day I die but I dont want to use it as a crutch n. At the same time i need it i have energy out the ass n i need it to calm me down so that i can think. Its tool just like nofap n it shouldn't be abused. I wanna to cut back and get pack more into fitness, but i keep making excuses or delaying going to the gym. My only other outlet is writing and music, Sometimes I have a hard time committing to my goals. Part of this reason is because I start my new job in a week or so I have waaay tooo much time on my hands. I love basketball so maybe should I start hooping even tho I never played? Tell me what yall think this was just a quick post, Im open to all feedback.