Im nearing day 60 now but im really stressing out. Today at work i got annoyed at something. Immediately i Started fantasising about the sissy stuff and it was as bad as ever. I havent had many problems with it till now. I dont know why this and my hocd is starting to come back. To start with i just watched vanilla porn. Then i started playing with my ass and dildos etc and then came the sissy stuff 4 years later and it’s what caused me to stop. Before porn i had tried some crossdressing Im so confused and stressed aby it i thought i was doing well but im not even sure. Is this just a part of me? I have a girlfirwnd and have thought im straight. Help me out bros i need some help. How do i stop myself from relapsing.
Dont worry . First relax.. Remind yourself why and where u started this journey. Dont go back to porn.. Go now take a cold shower and come back all will be fine..
Under every emotion is a need, if you are able to find your need, you may be able to change your situation. Also some emotions are not meant to solve, you need to create distance between you and the emotion. You have to see that they are not you. They are happening in you. Something that helps me is asking this paradoxical question (when I have a "bad" emotion): How do I do nothing about this? This question helps you to create distance and you will see that the negative emotions is just an emotion. Not good or bad. A "bad" emotion is only a bad emotion when you don't want it. But if you are able to let the emotion be, it will dissapear in a some time. If you want to here are a few fields to study: 1. Cognitive Behavior Therapy 2. Mindfulness & meditation Good luck brother!
Thanks man. This is really useful and i will try use it. I managed to remain strong overnight as well!
Hey mate, you stay strong af. Keep believing in yourself and think about how guilty you'd feel I'd you pissed away your 60 day streak in vain. Come on mate you can pull through! It's time for you to be a legend
I've also been half struggling with hocd recently, but we know it's just that - hocd. I've had long streaks, short streaks, did mindfulness techniques, meditation, exercise...Point is, this isn't easy to beat and it'll take a long while. Interesting that you ended up fantasizing about that stuff again, I have a similar issue and I also fantasized on purpose to "check" for any signs of arousal, a common trap (for a lack of a better term). Don't focus on the streak itself, nor on avoiding your "fetishes", focus on something else entirely and use your mind in a more productive way.
Cheers man. I will remember this) i defo focus too much on the streak so will try not focus on it. Mindfullness has made a real difference the past few days as well so will stick with it!
I think that sometimes our brain tries to trick us into looking at P, mine does this for sure. It's almost like it's just randomly stepping through possible triggers, trying to get us to PMO. So I don't think any particular thought necessarily means anything about our true preferences, it's just just something our brain dug up to trick us into getting a dopamine hit. Sometimes when such unsettling thoughts show up we either focus on them and worry, or do the opposite and try to push them away. Often a more effective approach is to go ahead and notice them, but slowly move your attention away from them, letting them float past. So if these kinds of thoughts pop up now and again, don't fret too much about it man, just let them pass on by, while you refocus on more important things.