i NEVER truly believed I’d make it...but I’m at 99 DAYS! Have never felt better, here’s HOW:


New Fapstronaut
Hello friends!!
I constantly would lurk on this EXACT forum, the “SUCCESS stories” so it’s wild that I now am feeling confident to write on here. I have been trying to beat and figure my porn addiction out truthfully for as long as I could remember. Its lead me to feel so insecure about myself, lead me to lose relationships and sometimes never pursue them because it just made me feel so BAD about myself and would always think to myself “why would anybody want to be with me if I have this addiction?”. I lost hope in so many ways and especially would lose hope when I constantly found myself feeling weak because I couldn’t just beat this thing. All I ever wanted was to just go a week or two weeks and feel no longer a part of it and feel somewhat free! I’m now at 99 days and I’m telling everybody that reads this RIGHT NOW, i haven’t felt this good and focused in my life!!! One of the biggest things I’ve noticed is confidence/energy but what’s crazy is I look in the mirror and my EYES are so clear and healthy looking. My skin too! Along with actually just feeling relaxed and almost in the moment feels so nice! Im not worried or anxious anymore! the best way I could describe it is that I feel I “factory reset” myself! How I feel is how I feel that I should. I don’t even have any urge to go back to porn or masturbate. I feel like I can choose and that is SUCH a good feeling, especially when before it never felt like I even had a choice! My body doesn’t feel tired or stressed. Okay so there are a couple things that helped and ONE thing that I feel I completely owe for how I was able to get to 90 days. Making the STRONG decision that I’m going to figure this out is one of the biggest things, so that meant reading any content or learning whatever i can about myself and the addiction, youtube helped a lot. I’ll try and find some of the videos and add them. It’s like Jorden Peterson and some scientists about it! Now the biggest thing that somehow happen to bless me was I stumbled on some other people talking on NOFAP Reddit about getting free by this schooling on how to break free. I almost feel like he made it EXACTLY for me and my problems. It has helped me SOOOOOO MUCH. I even reached out and personally thanked him when i got to my 14 day mark lol! I can also add that in here! Im at the point where I feel like I’m not even addicted anymore and it feels just so different, it’s almost hard to explain! As if, I missed out on so much but feel like I can do so much now. Idk it’s weird but I hope everyone on here gets to 90+ days and can feel they can breakout of the negativity! If I can end this on a note I would truly want to say “don’t give up on yourself,, you can and WILL beat this addiction”. If you read this, i thank you for your time and know that if you can’t break out of this, I once lurked this forum for hope and answers all the time too! Would love to answer any questions as well!
Wow. Your journey is so inspiring. I hope I can also reach 90 days mark some day. Will try my best to fight those urges.
Can you explain how you were able to fight those urges?
Congratulations buddy!!! Huge well done and so pleased for you! I’m to joining you at that milestone in 71 days!!