I plan to write about porn as a social issue for my bachelors degree...


New Fapstronaut
I plan to write about pornography as a social issue for my bachelors degree but i am not sure how well my advisor will take it because it should be a huge issue we are facing and i feel like no one takes that seriously. I study law and administration and i have to deliver a report that describes my project. The primary idea is the use of pornography which is a huge social problem but i am not sure how much that impacts the average person on a political scale. Another theme i am concerned about is the issue on the dramatisation use of the media and its hypocrisy which stands as an intersection between porn and violence ( such as sexual assault, rape, threats, etc). When it comes to media, there is a lot to write about, from fake news to politics. I don't if its whether pornography or the media I should rather pick as a topic
I plan to write about pornography as a social issue for my bachelors degree but i am not sure how well my advisor will take it because it should be a huge issue we are facing and i feel like no one takes that seriously. I study law and administration and i have to deliver a report that describes my project. The primary idea is the use of pornography which is a huge social problem but i am not sure how much that impacts the average person on a political scale. Another theme i am concerned about is the issue on the dramatisation use of the media and its hypocrisy which stands as an intersection between porn and violence ( such as sexual assault, rape, threats, etc). When it comes to media, there is a lot to write about, from fake news to politics. I don't if its whether pornography or the media I should rather pick as a topic

You should write about topics you can be insightful about and writing in general is more about the research and comprehension - not about writing itself.
Primary workload with writing anything is research, it consumes vast majority of time. You do research to understand and cross examine as much information as possible and present distinct and unique view that you form as you explored this topic.

It seems to me you are making a mistake of trying to "inform" people about the problem instead of gearing up for massive research effort needed to deeply explore and understand and then present this challenging issue.

Your real question should be - what do I want to research and deeply understand, so I can write solid paper about it.

Papers are not expressions of what you think, they are expressions of how you understand and interpret the facts.
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