I really wanted to quit masturbation.
Its been a habbit that's been going on since I was around 5 or 6 maybe. I am 31 now and as I look back at the life that I've lived so far, I feel like I can, in one way or the other, relate most of my current misseries to this morbid habbit that I developed as a child.
I started my nofap journey early in december as I found myself in one of the lowest lows in my life. I started at a time when I would regularly masturbate about 2 to 3 times in a day eversince I can recall. I was so strongly motivated to get rid of this habbit that the first 7 or so days in NoFap went by swimmingly. And then on Day 8, I slipped not because I had an uncontrolable urge to do it but because I wasn't motivated enough to continue. I could have easily stopped myself and I know it. My mind just tricked me (I know that sounds psychotic) into believing that its no biggie in doing it once a week. And so I did. But unfortunately eversince, I have not been able to control myself and I have slipped back into the habbit.
I feel the issue here is not that I lack self control but that I have somehow not grasped the seriousness of what I have done to myself over the past two decades. i could have been someone else probably in a healthy relationship with someone but instead I feel Ive made some permenant damages to my life.
I feel concerned that there is a part of me that lets me occassionally believe that the whole nofap thing is not something to be serious enough. Its disturning and I wonder if others here have also face similar concerns.
Please help.
Its been a habbit that's been going on since I was around 5 or 6 maybe. I am 31 now and as I look back at the life that I've lived so far, I feel like I can, in one way or the other, relate most of my current misseries to this morbid habbit that I developed as a child.
I started my nofap journey early in december as I found myself in one of the lowest lows in my life. I started at a time when I would regularly masturbate about 2 to 3 times in a day eversince I can recall. I was so strongly motivated to get rid of this habbit that the first 7 or so days in NoFap went by swimmingly. And then on Day 8, I slipped not because I had an uncontrolable urge to do it but because I wasn't motivated enough to continue. I could have easily stopped myself and I know it. My mind just tricked me (I know that sounds psychotic) into believing that its no biggie in doing it once a week. And so I did. But unfortunately eversince, I have not been able to control myself and I have slipped back into the habbit.
I feel the issue here is not that I lack self control but that I have somehow not grasped the seriousness of what I have done to myself over the past two decades. i could have been someone else probably in a healthy relationship with someone but instead I feel Ive made some permenant damages to my life.
I feel concerned that there is a part of me that lets me occassionally believe that the whole nofap thing is not something to be serious enough. Its disturning and I wonder if others here have also face similar concerns.
Please help.