I see thick women...!!!!!

The gray man

I always try to control my urges and continue to do for nofap for 15-16 days and then i fap once or twice then again i continue for 15-16 days but in between whenever i see any thick women
i feel like heat in my body my penis becomes tight and precum comes out
how to control this stuff i know this is a natural process which happens with male when seeing attractive women but i just dont like as it turns me on and feel horny
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You have to get through the 2 week barrier. It sounds like you aren’t getting the dopamine you need, so your brain is leaning on you at that 2 week mark and knows how to get you to do what it wants. If you’re already exercising and doing other stuff to get what you need, you’re going to have to gut it out and keep trying, keep focus on your goal. Those urges, after you train your brain to know that isn’t a good source of dopamine anymore, will become less intense.
how to control this stuff i know this is a natural process which happens with male when seeing attractive women but i just dont like as it turns me on and feel horny

This is why I don't look. Because if I do, I will lust. If I don't look, I won't lust. I don't give myself permission to look at any woman when I'm out and about. I keep them in my peripheral vision and if my eyes inadvertently fall on one, Bounce the Eyes. With conditioning it can be done.
What am I missing out on by choosing not to look?
Feelings of deprivation after getting horny?
Scolding looks from my wife?
Reinforcing my toxic shame?
Heating up the toxicity level of my brain leading me closer to acting out?
Entertaining a pornographic view of women?
No thanks. I can see women better when I don't look at them; a whole lot better.

The easiest look for me to say "No" to is The First One. If I say ""No" to the first look, there won't be a second, or a third, or a fifth, or an eighth. Do I do this perfectly? No. But if I win more battles than I lose with lust, then I will win this war. If I keep losing battle after battle after battle with lust, then I will lose this war. So I take each look very seriously.

If I don't look, I won't lust.
And if I don't lust, I won't crave.
And if I don't crave, I won't cave.
Game over. I win.