I Snapped (In A Good Way)!


So this morning I had a mental encounter with my "demons" and very well had the urge to relapse. While this is the 3rd or 4th time I've slipped I ended up rejecting it in a rather confident, ultra-focused manner. I like to think that I can sort of discipline myself by training to be around things that trigger me and not give in. I purposely like to keep things around that would urge me to "get to work" and learn to fight the sensations, sort of like gaining muscle: you keep pushing and pushing until you begin to make progress. I don't know if this is a healthy way to get through no PMO at all but I've noticed I can pull longer streaks when I do train myself like this and really pull through long enough. So my question is: is this bad? Should I not be learning to overcome PM&O in this fashion? I do like to meditation, go for a walk, and avoid my laptop but I feel that I need to learn to control myself around digital devices when they're used on my day to day job as well. Any feedback would be great!