I started M but i stopped after a couple seconds to not ruin my progress


Hi everyone,

I’m relatively new to this forum and the support I have received has really helped me on my (almost) 4 day journey so far, the longest I’ve gone without PMO since I was 11 (few months short of 17!).

I was scrolling through insta and saw a really hot girl, I kept scrolling but i was getting distracted, one thing lead to another and I was ripping my pants off (lol) and praying to god (whoever was up there) to give me strength to resist this urge, but this strength didn’t prevail soon enough, I was going at it (M) but I stopped myself from the shame and anger I felt...

All i want to know is, have I set myself back? Did I fail, back to day 1? Is there something to learn from this?

Because without PMO im extremely depressed and bored, its hard to stay on track when I’m always alone too. I hope that it gets easier, I can’t do it if it’s this hard forever.

Anyways, any replies I can get are invaluable to me, thankyou for reading :)
Relax, man. You have some unconditional reflexes, but you have managed to control them. You should be proud of yourself!
Hi everyone,

I’m relatively new to this forum and the support I have received has really helped me on my (almost) 4 day journey so far, the longest I’ve gone without PMO since I was 11 (few months short of 17!).

I was scrolling through insta and saw a really hot girl, I kept scrolling but i was getting distracted, one thing lead to another and I was ripping my pants off (lol) and praying to god (whoever was up there) to give me strength to resist this urge, but this strength didn’t prevail soon enough, I was going at it (M) but I stopped myself from the shame and anger I felt...

All i want to know is, have I set myself back? Did I fail, back to day 1? Is there something to learn from this?

Because without PMO im extremely depressed and bored, its hard to stay on track when I’m always alone too. I hope that it gets easier, I can’t do it if it’s this hard forever.

Anyways, any replies I can get are invaluable to me, thankyou for reading :)
Well the thing, to not make you demotivated, I suggest you continue the counter but at the same time delete your instagram app, because watch beautiful girls pics is same as relapse. So yeah think about it and delete it for good (for atleast 90 days)