I think I realise what is causing my constant PMO


So I was addicted to porn when I was 14 years old. I say 14 even though I started watching when I was like 11 but I just...watched it just because my kid brain was like what on earth are these people doing hahahaha penis goes in vagina. It was just a funny curiosity but it wasn't until I entered puberty when the porn became dangerous, here's the thing; When I first entered puberty, I didn't immediately start abusing porn until a few months later. During the time I just entered before discovering PMO I had really strong urges that were...really fucked up. I don't think it was caused by the porn though because even back then I thought of the porn as just funny or peculiarly interesting. However my urges were so strong I would act more aggressive and sexual towards people that were quite dangerous. I had sexual frustration even though I never PMOed before.

It wasn't until first MOed and then PMOed that I felt calm afterwards and exploring that past in my head recently made me realise something.

I have autism and I realise recently that sexual urges give me sensory overload. When I tried to avoid PMO I would not be able to do anything and I would feel like I can't breathe. My issue isn't the fact that I'm addicted. I've tried drugs in the past that were addictive but I would easily get rid of them. PMO is hard to avoid because not doing it causes sensory overload for me.

So I need some tips on how to overcome sensory overload if there are any autistic nofappers here or if you even have any tips in general.
Hi Iamcryinginside

I Think I see the PMO trap here.
I have the same thing. With PMO your brain goes into hyperstimulus, sensory overload.
As your brain cannot keep that up very long, it goes into slow mode after that.
Soon the addicted brain craves stimulation again which makes you feel anxious/overloaded.
You give the brain what is wants and the circle starts over again.

Combine this with autism and/or trauma which most people have in some kind of form.
And you keep going round and round.
Sex/PMO has been proven to be more addictive than any/most drugs.

So tell me more, your counter says no PMO for 500 days.
Does this means and No porn and no masturbation and no orgasm.
Or you just havent MO-d to porn for 500 days.

What other addictive behaviours do you have? Alcohol, computer gamess, food, smoking, your phone.
Some people stop all stimulants for a while to get clear of the circle, even music.

so please tell us more, we are here to help.
That counter is false, I haven't been on this account in ages. I think the last time I went on this account was in 2020/2021.

I'm thinking of dealing with sensory overload by stimming tbh. Idk what to do in those periods of having strong urges.

Update: I reset my counter.
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