I was reading the threads without logging in, i think that wasn't enough.


Deleted Account

I'm a 17 year old male from India.
I started masturbating before 3 or 4 years.
The first time i did it was like the best satisfaction feeling ever.
But now, it's more like a daily regret. Whenever i over masturbated or masturbated regularly for days , i searched the internet for the harmful effects of masturbation.
And what i got was just the same thing "it isn't bad , it is really healthy at an age like 17"
Being satisfied by these answers i kept continuing my masturbation time and time again.
But as the time is passing by i can feel the dropped energy levels and my confidence too.
I had so much confidence that even if i hadn't studied for months , i was sure i am about to do the best in my school exams.
Now , the situation is that i try really hard to get over this but i just get stuck in my own rules , and then i feel like the biggest loser .
As i was telling about my situation an entrance exam is about to come in about a month and I've been preparing for it really hard.
So , i am not allowed to go outside my house much.
And after all this i'm like no one will know , I've also noticed that my retention ability has decreased a lot too.
With all this said , I'd thank you for reading till here.