Idk if I'm addicted to masturbation or not...

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by random guy 202, Jan 22, 2020.

  1. random guy 202

    random guy 202 Fapstronaut

    Some time ago I was searching about porn and masturbation addiction and I found this forum, after a time reading I decided to make an attempt by doing no PMO for 90 days, first time I was doing well, two weeks but I was edging, I didn't even know about this term until I saw on a post here, then I reset and started again.
    I'm in the fourth week and I'm doing fine I don't feel interested to watch porn but when I feel horny I kinda think of masturbating but just for pleasure not because I'm stressed, sad, etc, before starting the challenge I usually masturbated once/twice a week so I don't really know if I'm addicted to masturbation, and I came here to hear your opinions but I'll stick to the challenge though...
    Kligor and Priceless like this.
  2. SeekingPower

    SeekingPower Fapstronaut

    Just the fact that you are here suggest that you do have a problem.

    How is your INRL sex life?
  3. random guy 202

    random guy 202 Fapstronaut

  4. SeekingPower

    SeekingPower Fapstronaut

    Thats what I thought.

    Let me put it this way. If you are below 17, you are fine.
    if you are below 20, thats a sign of a problem and we need to look at why you dont have a gf (not due to porn)
    above 20 is major problem and you need to start focusing on that immediately.

    Also if above 20 you should have s atble job and income.
    At any age you should be in top physicall shape.

  5. random guy 202

    random guy 202 Fapstronaut

    I'm 17, are you saying that when I turn 18 I must have a gf? What if I can't find? It's not like I prefer mastubation over a relationship I don't think like this.
  6. Priceless

    Priceless Fapstronaut

    You're not addicted. Fapping once or twice a week as a 17 year old is perfectly normal. I know guys who used to fap 7 times a day daily now that's when you have a problem.
    random guy 202 likes this.
  7. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    I say above 30 is a problem. below 20 you're fine. 20-30 is when you should be dating honestly.
  8. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    That is ridiculous! We do not live according to age thresholds.
    Exactly bro. You are fine as you are. Ignore that so-called advice. o_O
    That is the way forward. Don't edge avoid all porn and anything else that is sexually stimulating. By also refraining from masturbating, it is the quickest way to reboot your mind from instant sexual gratification. :) Your life will be better and happier as a result. Having a gf is your call and a totally different subject. Just focus on the NoFap challenge. Good luck!
  9. Kligor

    Kligor Fapstronaut

    You did right choice buddy to leave P and M behind.

    No buddy you don't must to find girlfriend before you turn 18,that is personal choice.
    I m older than you and i m virgin too and i have no problem to live life in comfort.
    Here you can see people with 40+ years old who is virgins,there is no shame.Do how you think it's good :)
    random guy 202 likes this.
  10. ahighertruth

    ahighertruth Fapstronaut

    couldnt be any truer.

    people shouldn't feel ashamed because they are a virgin at 20. its people who say that they should be are the ones to be ashamed.
    random guy 202 likes this.
  11. random guy 202

    random guy 202 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts :), but when I finish the challenge what to do next? Can I masturbate once in a while when I want? ( when not having a gf) about porn I'll never watch again.
  12. IGY

    IGY Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    That is a good question. Basically, that is up to you. In my case, I will never masturbate again because it is too entwined with porn and it will just cause me to relapse to porn as well. But from the little you have said, your position sounds quite different. However, that does not mean there is no risk. Even if you do not use porn, you can masturbate with graphic mental images of sex based on the porn you have watched throughout your teens. :oops: If you can manage reintroducing masturbation successfully (after the challenge is complete), you need to do it mindfully. Mindful masturbation would mean avoiding sexual imagery and fantasies in your mind. Rather, you can focus your thoughts and attention on the physical sensations you experience primarily from your penis, but all over your body. Does that sound like a possibility for you?
    random guy 202 likes this.
  13. SeekingPower

    SeekingPower Fapstronaut

    Must is a wrong word.
    But if you are unable to obtain GF by that age, while wanting a gf, it signals that you lack the skillset or game needed to do that, and it might continue forever unless you change something.

    There is no shame also. There is no shame being virgin at 40. It just means missed opportunity of fucking between 20-40, when you were young and at your prime.
    no one ever gets younger.

    There is too many hopless incels at this forum giving very nad advice.

    Also at todays dating market not fucking 17yr old girl when you are 17 means you will never do it. 17 yr gorl doesn fuck anyone above 20 nowadays. You will simply never have that experience.
  14. SeekingPower

    SeekingPower Fapstronaut


    so basically a guy who never had sex is giving advice about sex? WTF?
  15. Kligor

    Kligor Fapstronaut

    You do not read as it is written,i didn't give any sex advice.I said no one must find girlfriend before turn 18 years old,true right?
    If anyone want girlfriend or not that is his personal choice,true right?I don't see anything wrong in my statement.
    Just because you disagree with someone doesn't mean you can sow the shit where you want it.
  16. random guy 202

    random guy 202 Fapstronaut

    Yes I think so, I did in this way some times already before starting the challenge.

    Now I understand your point, thx for explaining.