I'm 14 and going to start a 90 day reboot


New Fapstronaut
So as you can tell from the title im fourteen (fifteen in one month actualy) and I want to reboot. For me it's nothing super extreme, usually once a day for about 15-20 minutes. I don't want to depend on an O to sleep anymore and I hate being distracted during the day. I first started consuming porn when I was just 13 and it has kinda been affecting my life and I really don't like that. Gonna try my best to do daily updates if I have time. I'm not sure on how long to set the challenge but I'll start small with two weeks. Wish me luck.
It's great to see you wanting to change your ways, especially at your age! Deal with the situation now while your young before it ruins your life.
I wish you all the best and we are here to support you. Your in the right place!
That’s nice!
Welcome to Nofap friend, Nofap really brought me lot of benefits, mostly it get rid of my social anxiety, which is the thing I got struggling with, I’m 16 haha.
Keep at it, stay strong!
So my first day is coming to a close and I'm feeling some urges but I'm going to try to go get a shower and get to bed soon. I'm worried that if I'm having these kinds of urges on the first day, what is it going to be like on day 14 or even further? I really want to be able to do this but I am not so sure I can.
You have to get through this with your willpower, all of us have been in those urges, I’m on days 13 today, from my experience, it will be easier and easier after days 7, so don’t worry, and Stay Strong!!
You have to get through this with your willpower, all of us have been in those urges, I’m on days 13 today, from my experience, it will be easier and easier after days 7, so don’t worry, and Stay Strong!!
Thanks for the words of encouragement, they mean more than you think :)