Im a 17 year old male. Please help me


I just recently joined this community but I've been abstaining myself from masturbation for about 2 weeks (Day 13 specifically). I'm currently in 12th grade. The burdens are heavy on acadamics. Im also an introvert too and only have a few friends. There is also this one girl in my class that im imagining before, while masturbating. I have a strong sexual urge for her but i cant release it. I always got sexual frustation when i got home. Instead i just study and kept myself busy to avoid masturbating. So anybody got an idea to remove the girl in my mind among my sexual urge?
So anybody got an idea to remove the girl in my mind among my sexual urge?

Don’t remove the girl in your mind, will not be possible. It’s fine you feel attracted to her.

So what should i do? Tell my sexual urge to that girl?

Of course. Don’t say “I want to have sex with you”, let her know you like her very much. Maybe she will understand immediately or she will understand a little bit later, that there is more than liking. Let the urge grow and continue your NO PMO journey. What you are longing for will happen at the right time. Just be patient.
So what should i do? Tell my sexual urge to that girl?
Hell no. Maybe try to get to know her if you want to start something with her. If not, just concentrate on something else and ignore the feelings, they will go away with the time if you stop fapping while thinking at her or fapping in general.
Did you ask her out?

It's good that you study instead of masturbating. NoFap will make you more focused and hopefully get you better grades.

Good luck!
Be patient and keep abstaining from PMO. I imagine your confidence will rise a bit. I remember what it's like to be in your shoes and being too introverted to find a way to talk to someone.

Start small, find a way to get a conversation with her and connect! Keep it natural, don't force anything
How can i ask someone I barely talk to? of course i cant. Heck, cant even start a conversation
try to be friendly to her, if you see her, make eye contact and smile, then next time say hi. Take it easy
First, I'd like to say that i can totally recognise myself in your post. I'm a 17 male and would be totally alone at school if it weren't for those childhood friends that I spend recess with.

Ever since I learned what an introvert was, I thought I was one. Fact is, I was just trying to convince myself I was normal. I enjoy time alone but only for so long and I love feeling part of a group.

Eye contact sure is a good way to grow your confidence and shows people you're interested. I very recently had proof of that when I challenged myself to note the eye color of people I talked to. I now share private jokes with a few 'cool guys' in my school and it really feels good to see they are starting conversations with me. I also discovered my crush had green eyes and while I'm trying to forget about her, I like her even more. She feels more human. Everybody I see does, actually.

Now, imagine she can see your thoughts as she walks on you fapping thinking of her. If you like her, you should try to keep her out of your head if you eventually relapse

It might be extreme, but think that in a way you're raping her. And rape isn't about love...

Keep fighting and get out of that comfort zone !!
a smile makes a difference, people will naturally start convos with you, in my experience anyway

Careful with the smiling though, it has to be done right. Don't cheese too hard or you'll look like a little kid. It's gotta be a nice, confident smile. Don't force it though, you could skip smiling all together. Eye contact is massive though.
Careful with the smiling though, it has to be done right. Don't cheese too hard or you'll look like a little kid. It's gotta be a nice, confident smile. Don't force it though, you could skip smiling all together. Eye contact is massive though.

Yeah exactly, subtle smiles are fine, eye contact is good too, makes you look approachable
How can i ask someone I barely talk to? of course i cant. Heck, cant even start a conversation
Well, sounds like you have an area to spend time working on. I did. Works wonders.
Started out by learning a new joke every day and telling it to everyone I met. Bank tellers, cashiers, bus drivers, etc. etc. Soon people you see regularly are happy to see you.
Mr. Jedi,

Just try saying hi to her.
Leave the rest up to her.
Go with the flow.
She probably has a thing for you and you don’t even know it haha
Stop fantasizing about her. It wont get you anything good. Dont masturbate , dont edge. Make a comment about something she has, does , happens in class. Tell her something, anything ..,,it does not matter what but dont prepare it, be spontaneous.
Mr. Jedi,

Just try saying hi to her.
Leave the rest up to her.
Go with the flow.
She probably has a thing for you and you don’t even know it haha
This is bad bad advice. If you are not out of ur mind you expect just a hello as a response. Leave the rest to her?? Its not even about the fact she is girl but do you really think someone will start telling things and interract just because you said hi?
So anybody got an idea to remove the girl in my mind among my sexual urge?
Well, at Grade 12... replace her with another girl. Turning it off permanently isn't much of an option.

Seriously, fantasize about someone you'll never meet. If you're fantasizing about someone you know, that pretty much guarantees you'll never have a chance with her. Look for what's wrong with her. Not in an angry, judgemental way, but a human way. You know what's wrong with you.... what about her? How is she just a normal human? She has bad habits. She's probably insecure, and if she's not at 17, she's insane. She ain't that pretty without makeup and a push-up bra. She has explosive diarrhea on Sunday morning when she's hung over.

That's a girl you can talk to. The ideal female archetype on the pedastal? Not so much. I can't talk to Venus, either.

If all you're worried is not fantasizing about her... did I mention explosive diarrhea?