I'm back and I'm recommitting


Deleted Account

Hi. I'm not new to NoFap, as I've been on and off of it since 2013. I had a previous account on this site, but I deleted it due to a lack of commitment to NoFap and thinking I could find better ways to overcome my PMO addiction. Boy was I wrong! The longest I've lasted in NoFap over the course of 6 years was 2 weeks. I want to be more committed than I've ever been and I hope to use the energy I gain throughout this journey to channel it into my goals. I'm fascinated my the concept of sexual transmutation and I hope to learn it. Anyway, it's nice to meet you all and I hope to be more active on here than previously.
Hi there, two weeks is a nice streak. I also wish to channel my energy into other goals and activities, is that what you refer to as sexual transmutation? Goodluck!
Hi there, two weeks is a nice streak. I also wish to channel my energy into other goals and activities, is that what you refer to as sexual transmutation? Goodluck!

Yep. Good luck to you too!
Hi. I'm not new to NoFap, as I've been on and off of it since 2013. I had a previous account on this site, but I deleted it due to a lack of commitment to NoFap and thinking I could find better ways to overcome my PMO addiction. Boy was I wrong! The longest I've lasted in NoFap over the course of 6 years was 2 weeks. I want to be more committed than I've ever been and I hope to use the energy I gain throughout this journey to channel it into my goals. I'm fascinated my the concept of sexual transmutation and I hope to learn it. Anyway, it's nice to meet you all and I hope to be more active on here than previously.
Ditto. I’m back. And I am recommitting.